Spiderman director to direct Hulk 2 and Thor


There was a recent interview done with Sam Raimi and hes revealed those as upcoming projects


You didn't even read that interview did you? Avi Arad is the producer of ALL the Marvel comics movies, Sam Raimi is the director of the Spider-Man movies.
Make it happen!

excellent. Raimi did well on spidey 1.

I believe that anyone could do a better job on the hulk series, but i really hope the thor series is a bit more serious. Less flashy- cheezy comic 'movie magic'. Lookin forward to it though.

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
You didn't even read that interview did you? Avi Arad is the producer of ALL the Marvel comics movies, Sam Raimi is the director of the Spider-Man movies.

my bad, the guy who sent me that told me it was a interview regarding future marvel films, sorry for the mishap. By the way u dont have to get hostile about it either dude.

Hulk was probably my least Favorite Super Hero Movie =/........

Hulk was a good movie. People don't like it because it wasn't dumbed down for them and it didn't have a lot of action. I thought it was good, it wasn't an exact copy of the comics but it was still good. Not great, good. I mean, you've gotta love the editing.
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I liked the build up to the final Hulk bit and at the time thought it was the best comic superhero film (of recent times, clearly not Batman and Superman) although i have only watched the DVD once i'd say it was best after X-Men 1, 2 and Spiderman (id imagine 2 as well) but i dont see the beef with it

Spider-Freak's Avatar
Well hello Mr. Fancypants
Originally posted by Zeiken
i honestly didnt need those cheesy edits. it totally pulled me out of the movie.
Yeah me too... it was way over the top for my liking.
"you gonna bark all day little doggy... or are you gonna bite?"

"if i had the words i would say... HOLY CRAP!!"

You ain't leadin nothin but two things right now... jack and sh*t... and jack left town"

Sam Raimi is the man. Hail to the king.
"You need people like me..."

And this is my BOOMstick!
Raimi's the man! He's a close personal friend of Bruce Campbell (which automatically makes him cool) and he also directed all three Evil Dead movies (which makes him even cooler.) He's the guy for the job. Hail to the king baby!

Hes good. But what exsactly does thor do?

Originally Posted by velmar
But what exsactly does thor do?
The Mighty THOR is the God of Thunder, son of Odin. He has super strength of course, weilds a large hammer, and can summon lightning from the heavens. He is immortal. He is powerful. Don't fu*k with him.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra