China Banning American Movies?


Has anyone heard anything about this? I only caught the end of a report last night that said they were banning all American movies from being shown in Chinese theaters…
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~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I read a tiny bit on it. The reasoning behind it is that they don't want excessive violence or sex on the screens. I have no idea why Shrek 2 would come under either category....but, as I said, I onyl read parts of it, there could be more to it.

The bit that I did see of this was that it was temporary and it is not only American films. Something about protecting the local film industry. Oh like that makes sense to me, cut out the competition and your movies will be better. No, but they may make more money.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Originally Posted by BBC Films
Meanwhile, there's big trouble in little China for Shrek 2, Spider-Man 2, and the new Harry Potter movie, as the summer movies have all been banned from the People's Republic. Hollywood studio bods had planned to release the box office-stomping trio during the school holidays, but the Chinese government says it's concerned about the amount of depraved sex and violence that kids are exposed to in western movies.

Cynics have suggested that the decision to ban all western film releases between June and August might have less to do with morals and more to do with money (surprise, surprise). Apparently, films made in Hong Kong won't be affected by the ban so wide-eyed schoolkids will still be able to watch lots of martial arts action, stylish gunplay, and heroic bloodshed. Perhaps Britain could follow suit and ban all Martin Lawrence comedies on the grounds of not being funny? Here's hoping.
This about sums it up.

As if Asian movies aren't just as depraved as American ones..

Ah jees. Ya know, way back when China was incredibly isolationist, and banned all trade and interaction from foreign countries. It was mostly because China thought that the world had nothing to offer. And now that China is growing financially, they could be building that superiority complex again.

Kaiser "The Devil" Soze
Originally Posted by Garrett
As if Asian movies aren't just as depraved as American ones..
yup, I agree exactly, people should decide for themselves.
And like that .... he's gone

Are all movies being banned or just those three mentioned?
Make it happen!

quiball's Avatar
Registered User
i haven't heard anything about banning American movies from china, but i have a feeling that banning american movies from showing in theatres wouldn't affect the people in China very much since most people there buy illegal pirated versions on DVD which have basically everything, including the newest movies (tho not very good quality) and if they don't have it, you can request it and they can get anything for you. so no one over there really go to movie theatres anyway, except for a few who enjoy the sound effects, etc. Plus, China didnt buy a lot of the movies to start off with, most of the movies come from illegal pirating.
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