Best Original Song From a Movie


This is weird because I have already begun researching a thread I was going to do on my favorite songs written specifically for movies...not songs from film versions of Broadway musicals or songs that were borrowed from other places and placed in movies, but songs that were written specifically for a movie. I've already picked my #1 and am comprising the rest of the list so I don't want to give my list away, but this is a great topic and am looking forward to seeing input from other posters on the subject.

I see this is dead. RIIISE!!!

The Fort by Jamin Winans from Ink.
Movie Reviews | Anime Reviews
Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I just posted this 3 or 4 times in different variations today #4 coming right up......