Need some advice... Cold War movies!


Hi guys, I need help for a school assignment and I'm sure this won't be too hard.
I need to watch a movie that shows both sides of the Cold War or, if not, specially the soviets one (I'm used to watch movies like Thirteen Days, which only show the American side).
I've got a pretty good idea of the historical context - the mentalities and perspectives are more important right now, so it could be about any event during those years.
Thanks in advance!

Try watching Little Vera (Malenkaja Vera).It quite accurately portrays what was the mentality in the Soviet Union during last decades of the Cold War.

Thanks! I'll take a look at that

You can also watch a Soviet Union comedy Operatsiya Y i drugiye priklyucheniya Shurika( Operation Y & Other Shurik's Adventures ) or 12 stulyev (Twelve Chairs) and you could compare how the humor was perceived.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
You should watch Breach. It doesn't show the Russian side of things, but it's based on true events. There is also a mini-series called The Company you may be interested in.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I think that is a hard assignment unless you speak Russian and familiar with Russian language movies.

You mentioned 13 Days. I just checked youtube and they do have the 1974 TV drama version (although often called a TV movie, it is more like a TV play with low production standards), The Missiles of October. From an acting standpoint and accuracy, it is quite good. It does have scenes with Khrushchev so you see some Soviet perspective, but the emphasis is on the Americans. But I just can't think of any English language movie that really presents with any depth the Soviet side of the cold war. The better ones show the cold war from a spying standpoint was a dirty business, but it is still told mostly from an American or British POV.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Well, that's not the assignment, it was just to put myself into Russians' perspective, you know? I must write something from their point of view at the time, and I thought watching a movie like that would help.

Sadly, Little Vera was not that good to make me see the comunists' mentality towards the Americans - although it's a good movie and, as I see it, it retracts well all the chaos that some families were (or can be today) involved in.

I'll check the other suggestions, thanks again

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I just remembered that Sean Connery movie, but it is pretty boring. I'll look it up.

Did you see my previous pos just before you posted the second time?

The Russia House (1990)

We've gone on holiday by mistake
"Hunt for Red October" has around 50/50 split of Soviet perspective.

"The Fourth Protocol" starts off in Russian and involves a Russian plot.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
But in Hunt for Red October the Connery character is planning to defect so it is not really giving us a balanced view of the cold war from the Russians.

Scratch the Russian House. That isn't the one I was thinking of. that is just another cold war spy film mostly from the Western side. I can't remeber who is in it, but there is another American movie about a Russian cop in Moscow. I'll try to find that.

Gorky Park is what I was thinking.

Yeah, I read everything! That was actually very helpful, thanks
I think Gorky Park was exactly what I needed, so you've answered my prayers! ahah

But I just can't think of any English language movie that really presents with any depth the Soviet side of the cold war.
Yeah,I can't think of any,too.Saw Doctor Zhivago few days ago,it's not about Cold War but it quite well represent the Russian culture considering that it's an American film.

Sadly, Little Vera was not that good to make me see the comunists' mentality towards the Americans
Little Vera gives more background of what kind of view of life was in USSR.Maybe you should try Lilja 4-ever (but I don't remember,maybe it is set in post-Soviet era) and Good Bye Lenin! :/

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Yeah, Dr. Zhivago, which is pre cold war.

Well, that reminds me there are American movies from the 1940s when the Russians were are our allies durung WW2 that does present a pro communist view. They became very controversial after the war.

You want those movies?

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Some may say it doesn't show both sides, though I argue it does, but I would check out Fail Safe.
I thought of Dr. Strangelove, but for the same reason didn't mention it.