Moulin Rouge "eggs"?


Ozma's Avatar
The Gweat and Tewwible
I found a list of easter eggs on the Moulin Rouge dvd. However I cannot get the last two to work. If anyone has the DVD can they help me? The directions I was given go as followed:

Egg 14: In the "Smoke & Mirrors sub-menu, type '5' + enter, then '18' + enter to see the ol' Top Hats raised on strings gag.

Egg 15: In the "Stars" sub-menu, type '9' + enter, then '17' + enter to see a fond farewell to Ewan with bagpipes on the last day of principle photography.

I don't know if the directions are unclear, but it doesn't seem to work
"I already feel like an idiot most of the time, with, or without a fireman's pole." ~Bridget Jones

Theres also a heap of hidden buttons, which I will come and type out of the ones that I have found later. Don't have time now. I've found at least ten hidden buttons that show little behind-the-scenes video clips.

Ozma's Avatar
The Gweat and Tewwible
I have a list, but if you have any to add then that would be great. I'll put up the list later if you'd like. The ones that I can't figure out aren't buttons tho. It says to type this and enter this and blah blah and it doesn't seem to work. I love the clip where Nicole Kidman can't keep a straight face and Ewan is making an ass of himself.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Oz, if I had my DVD right now I would look for them but I loaned it to the girlfriend and it hasn't made it back to me just yet.

Where did you find the directions for the eggs?
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Ozma's Avatar
The Gweat and Tewwible
I was cleaning out my favorites folder and I happened to come across a clique for Ewan McGregor called Enchanting Boy. It had a section about Moulin Rouge with easter eggs. Here is the link:

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Hmmm, I looked up the site and I'm posting a link to another site with eggs pertaining to Moulin Rouge.

Give it a try and see what you get.

They aren't all grouped together, but something to look through.

Ozma's Avatar
The Gweat and Tewwible
Oh yeah!!! Thanks to that site I got the Ewan clip to work. It was great, I love when Ewan says the "f" word Some of the people who posted on the site don't know what they are watching. Baz is playing with the hammer with Craig Pearce, the other writer. Baz and Dubsy, who I think is his assistant, are the ones in the car. In one clip it is Baz dancing around, not one of the choreographers. I do wonder if he didn't know that he wasn't alone. Just thought I would clear that up for anyone who visited the site. This has nothing to do with the eggs but every time I watch MR I notice or realize something new. The Duke bites Satine on the shoulder in the part where he gets really mad at her. I never realized that before!

I love the film. I'm always getting something new. You can watch the film so many different ways. Watch the film one time through watching Gary McDonald play 'The Doc'. His performance is hilarious. Watch all the little people at least one, the performance are all so huge and well done.

Yeah, I've seen all of those clips. Have you seen the one where Tolouse plays himself dressed as the zitar, or the one where he talks someone through a tour of the Parisian brothels?

My favorite one is the hammer.
"Another day, the same old jokes."

Female assassin extraordinaire.
so, i always knew ewan mcgregar was a nice boy.

i waited on renting this cuz i wanted to see it on DVD on a big tv (at the time, my tv was 13")

so, i got my new 27" tv, i got my ps2 dvd player, i pop that sucker in ...

and develop the most awesome crush on mr. mcgregor. :P

i found only a handful of the easter eggs, and was mainly concerned with the ewan ones. too bad i didn't know about there being more of them, i only rented the dvd, rather than bought it, so it's already returned. i could have seen the other ewan ones. ewan saying "f*ck" is sexy. and i wanted to see bagpipes! i did see the one where he's messing around with nicole kidman while singing.

too bad the boy's taken. why've all the cute nice guys got to be taken? he's married 7 years or something with 2 daughters. hmph!

you should see him in "Nora" though - odd little movie, i don't think he was really meant for the part, but he does a lot of cursing and flat out sex in that one. kinda scary, actually.
life without movies is like cereal without milk. possible, but disgusting. but not nearly as bad as cereal with water. don't lie. I know you've done it.

Ozma's Avatar
The Gweat and Tewwible
Originally posted by thmilin
you should see him in "Nora" though - odd little movie, i don't think he was really meant for the part, but he does a lot of cursing and flat out sex in that one. kinda scary, actually.
Oh yeah Alot of his movies are like that...

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Watch all the little people at least one, the performance are all so huge and well done.
Thats a good idea Silver. I actually have tried focusing on a certain person but it is soo hard! You try to keep your eyes on one thing and you get distracted. I will definately try it though.

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Have you seen the one where Tolouse plays himself dressed as the zitar, or the one where he talks someone through a tour of the Parisian brothels?
The sitar one, I actually found by myself but I thought it was because I had the behind the red curtain option on, but that is on the first DVD so that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Needless to say I had no idea what I was watching but it sure was funny. Do you mean the part when he is talking about seeing his mother's house? If not, than I have missed that one

I could start a whole message board on the topic of Moulin Rouge alone....I think I might do that this summer, it would be lots of fun!