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Bowhunter thats nucking futs so ive been told
Sorry if reviews for this has already been done , but have to get this off my chest. While this movie was entertaining it was cheese at best.

Whoever the makeup artist was needs to be FIRED!!

Took my daughter to get it last night when it came out to dvd.

Anyway she even thought it was lame at best.
The climbing of the trees was hilarious!!
The main character of the film looked as if he were constipated. Just terrible acting. And for this film to get so much hype. Now i see why it got bad reviews from critics. It's deffinately a teenie bopper movie.

Two of the characters in the film actually have black hair in real life and boy did it show. Like i said the makeup artist for this film is horrible and should not be aloud to put makeup on dead people in a morgue much less in a motion picture film.

You want to post like me?
I haven't seen this movie, but I've heard just about the same things. I saw a review of it on TV, where normal people sent in videos of them reviewing it. All the teenage girls gave it 5/5. The rest gave it 1-2/5. Kinda goes to show what kind of movie this is.

Twas nice to hear your two cents mate.
If you want to make your reviews a little more intriguing you might want to post a picture of the movie poster. It adds a little flavor.

Welcome to the forum.
The Freedom Roads

I'll probably see it sometime within the next few weeks, because I'm getting it for my sister for her birthday. She seems to love it, but I'm totally against it. Still, I'll probably be watching it, just to watch it.

You ready? You look ready.
I would rather have someone take a jackhammer to my head than watch Twilight.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Bowhunter thats nucking futs so ive been told
Thanks for the welcome Kasper.

I'll have to check out the poster thing you mentioned.
I usually just try to call them as i see them. Some may agree and some may not but it's ok.
Yes this is deffinately a teen movie.

The makeup in Twilight was pretty bad but I saw an interview with the blonde chick not too long ago and she said they had a horrible time keeping make-up on due to the weather in Oregon... and that the powers that be had learned a lesson about trying to match the descriptions of the book characters so closely… and would not be doing a repeat in the next one… as for the climbing shots, I agree… they could have been much better and so could the running… but considering they shot the whole movie in a little over a month with a budget less than 40,000,000... I'm not too sure how much they could have done differently...

Anyway, welcome to the forums Hunt...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

As a non-"Twilighter", I actually enjoyed the movie. It was a bit lacking in technical film qualities (script, makeup, cinematography), but as someone not in the target market (male/30+), I enjoyed more of the 'superhero' effect with the noble vampire. Perhaps it was the bias of my wife's buildup and excitement.

Well i understand this is a "tween" movie but all the hype was ridiculous. Twilight had to be one of the worst vampire movie I've ever seen. First of all this movie breaks all the vampire laws. For one thing they can be out in the daylight. Second they can feed on animals. Third when the main female character gets bitten the male lead roll actor sucks the vampire venom out of her body so she doesn't become one. I thought this movie was crap unless your a girl between 10 and 18 that's why it did so good at the box office. Last of all sparkling vampires that's just corny.


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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'm completely with you on not liking this movie. I've read the book and it left me with no wish to see the film version at all, but vampire laws? Lore would be more accurate...there's as many versions of the vampire myth as there are vampire books and movies. Dracula could come out in the day time. Numerous vampire stories including well-known ones like Interview With the Vampire and Buffy have vampires feeding from animals. It's clearly aimed at 10-16 year old girls so I don't think it even tries to appeal to anyone else and the filmmakers won't care if it doesn't. The Twilight-fans (need a nickname...'twits', perhaps?) seem to like it.

I agree with every reply that I have read on this movie. It was terrible!!! I watch just about anything because I like to keep an open mind when it comes to films, plus I have a weakness when it comes to vampires movies, but unfortunately I end up seeing alot of steaming piles of garbage like this one. Acting was terrible, dialogue horrendous, cinematography which was the best part was still crappy. It is sad when the best thing I like about a movie is the aerial shots of the trees. =( I understand that this movie was to appeal to tweenage girls and the like. That still doesn't mean that it shouldn't have been made an enjoyable film for all ages such as the Harry Potter movies and other series has been. What someone said in the post before mine is exactly correct, the producers and director of this movie new it would make money however bad it was so they did not care to put any effort in actually making it good. This is the trend with most anything that is popular nowadays and appeals to the huge youth tween audience. I mean look at the Jonas Brothers!? They are some of the worst "musicians" ever to exist! Listen to them live if you don't believe me, or if you can stand to for more than 5 seconds without piercing your eardrums with a compass. They are no Hanson at least those brothers could play their instruments. They are just a perfect example of how music, movies, television don't have to be good if the audience you are appealing to isn't smart enough to know what bad is.

All the teenage girls gave it 5/5.
That is a pretty big audience - and also is about half of my immediate family about right now. I actually enjoyed the movie because I went in knowing what it was all about. The books are better, but the onscreen story is not bad at all. It is kind of like going to the local Zoo and seeing the giraffes and birds and cool stuff, but expecting Steve Irwin to put his head in an aligator's mouth. Anyone watching this film expecting anything else other than a goo goo gaa gaa over Edward and the simple storyline has misled themselves. To be cliche: It is what it is, and for some reason that's enough.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Agreed. I enjoyed it a good deal more than the last 3 Harry Potter flicks, for whatever that's worth. I'll watch the next one too. I'll probably be enjoying a nice dense bran muffin while I'm at it.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

RIP 2002-2010
I would rather have someone take a jackhammer to my head than watch Twilight.

Yep. And I rather have both those things happen than listen to fans of the film go on about it. Mainly teenagers.
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This reminds me of church: Why go if you know you are going to be bored and hate the experience? S & M anyone? There is no hidden agenda with either the storyline or the quality of the film making. It is a niche', and it does well at being such.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I havent seen this yet but from the trailers and what ive heared about it I dont see me getting this film untill its reduced and then only if there isnt anything I want to see, unless something jumps up off the shelf and slapps me across the face then I may buy it.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I don't think the agenda was hidden. As is the case with most films in this "niche", it is obvious that the film will make money focused at the target audience. I think personally it could have been made a better film with some polish and care. In an earlier post someone said they filmed it very quickly, and I think it shows. There is just no reason to care about any of these characters because they are all just thrown at you with no history or connection between any of them. I am just saying after all the hype and advertisement I expected the film to better. I feel sorry for the author of the book because they either turned his work to garbage or he's just a bad writer.

RIP 2002-2010
I don't think the agenda was hidden. As is the case with most films in this "niche", it is obvious that the film will make money focused at the target audience. I think personally it could have been made a better film with some polish and care. In an earlier post someone said they filmed it very quickly, and I think it shows. There is just no reason to care about any of these characters because they are all just thrown at you with no history or connection between any of them. I am just saying after all the hype and advertisement I expected the film to better. I feel sorry for the author of the book because they either turned his work to garbage or he's just a bad writer.


I believe the author was a female. Only a female writer would bother with a story clearly aimed at teenage girls what with their silly notions that teenage boys want something else other than their vaginas.

A boy who will exercise restraint and not take a girl's virginity (or turn her into a vampire) because he truly loves her. Poppycock and rubbish.

Also the vampire thing is growing stale, especially this romantic type thing. I must say Let the Right One In, did have an entirely cool take on it though. Thank God for that film.

A boy who will exercise restraint and not take a girl's virginity (or turn her into a vampire) because he truly loves her. Poppycock and rubbish.
I agree about the boy thing, however I think he might be a little older than the avg boy.

Seriously though, All I was saying is that it does not try to hide what it is, at least not from what I saw. I enjoyed the film for what it is, but is it great? I do not think so, is it a great night out for the young girls - it seems.. - I felt like I was a bit outclassed by the male Vamps though - who can compare to that - such high bars being set these days.

I haven't seen the movie or read the books. I know of a few girls who aren't teens who've read it and enjoyed it for an easy read.
You hear so much bad press that convinced me its not worth me checking out.
I heard that teen fans of the series are becoming violent with
other non-fans.

If it is true I can't help but find it sad and scary (and abit funny) that teenage girls are so quick to become violent over these books.

Read an article about it here

Movie Forums Extra
I am a guy and I even enjoyed this movie. It gives romance a little twist along with a bunch of action which keeps the viewer hooked. I liked it and I would encourage you guys to go see it.