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The Saw series has been one of the most profitable and enjoyable movie series to emerge. Although people tend to believe that as more of these are made, the worse they get. I disagree. But enough of that. The series debued in 2004 with the movie that I will be reviewing shortly. It attracted many people and became quite popular after the second movie was released.

The only down side to this series is that you have to see ALL of the movies to understand the story line. That's right... no skipping around. But hey... Watching them all makes it 10 times the fun.

Adam is a young man living in a disgusting neighborhood who exloits others for a living and has only eyes for his own goals. Dr. Lawrence Gordon is a well respected doctor at a hospital. He has a god life, a nice daughter, and a loving wife. But he feels that it is necessary to cheat on her.

What do these two men have in common?

Well, according to Jigsaw, a deranged serial killer who places his victims in traps designed to test the human bodies will to survive, both men do not value their life and need to discover how good their life really is. What is the solution to this problem? A spanking? A Talking-to? Oh No!!! The best remedy is to place the two men in a dirty bathroom together and try and let them figure out how to survive.

This review will be aranged in catagories and will be given a final score at the very end.

The storyline for this movie is very entertaining really. Two men who have never met each other must team up in order to figure out how to survive a deadly trap set by the killer, Jigsaw. They will also have to realize why they are so similar and how they know eachother in order to come out of this.

During the movie it also flips over to flashbacks of the two men and how they got to be where they were. It also shows the story of 2 detectives and how they were tied into this wholes mess. Sounds a bit confusing I know, but once you watch it, everything becomes clear.

SCORE THAT: 8.5/10


The Characters are very crucial to this story and there are only a few. (In this movie. In the sequels more and more people show up.) I'll list them for you.

Jigsaw AKA: John: You only get glimpses of him and only hear his voice a few times but he gives off a very strong serial killer vibe. But he doesn't appear often.

Detective Tapp: The black detective who lives on the edge and has nothing to lose. He will stop at nothing to find Jigsaw. He shows up fairly frequently and plays a somewhat important role in this whole story.

Detective Sing: The Asian Detective who is very cocky and is very young and eager. He is somewhat important. However, there is one scene that is absolutely "killer" with him in it. (If you catch my drift.)

Zep: A nervous man who works at Dr. Gordons hospital. Very important to the stroy and is only seen a few times. He is almost skitzofranic and his role is perfect for him.

Amanda: The only survivor of Jigsaw's traps. Heroin addict and cutter. She plays an important role in the other movies but not too much this one. But it was a clever way of introducing her into the story.

Dr. Gordon: Good doctor who cheats on his wife and "doesn't value his life." He is one of the main characters and is very emotional. He is very important in this story but is never really talked about in any of the other moves. Probably because they had different directors.

Adam: Selfish man who gets dirt on others for a living. The other main character in this movie. He must work with Gordon to survive. He is never talked about really but you do see a glimpse of "him" in the second movie. He really ties the movie together with his actions and words.

All in all the characters weren't too bad. Although we would have liked to see some more of certain characters like Jigsaw. Afterall, he is the killer. So that is the only area where this movie really loses some points.
SCORE THAT: 6.5/10


The acting in this movie was generally good but there are a few slip ups now and then but I can't really think of them off of the top of my head. The only one I can clearly remember was when they try and trick the camera by pretending to die. However, that was meant to be funny. But honestly, come on...did they really think that the killer who had made this elaborate trap and still hadn't been found would fall for that.
SCORE THAT: 7.5/10


Now there is a point where there is way too much blood and gore in a horror movie. But then, there is a point where there is not enough blood and gore in a movie. so let's find out where this one lies.
There are only a few parts in this movie that have some really good gore. Some of them I won't go into detail on because it might spoil it for those of you who may not have seen this movie yet. The first is the body in the room. You only see the full head shot for a moment or two and the rest of the movie is just the body in a pool of blodd but its not too bad The second is with the Asian guy. Enough said. And the last really good one is with Gordon in the room. Enough said. However, with Gordon it is TOO cheesy. You only see it for .001 seconds then you can tell where he puts his... well, see for your self.
Overall there is a good amount of blood and what not.


SAW really brings it all together in the end. You get to enjoy a great storyline with great actors. The cool part is that nobody in this movie is really famous. It also has just the right amount of blood and gore for the horror fans to enjoy. On the flip side, you will wish that they had shown more of some characters such as Zep and Jigsaw. And at some points the effects are very cheesy. However they are great if you consider that it was made for a few million dollars and filmed in only 18 days. It also grossed billions when it was released. So in the end it gets a good score...

1: Terrible 2: Blah 3: Bad 4: Wasn't Good 5: Wasn't Good but Wasn't Bad 6: Alright 7excellent 8: Good 9: Great 10:WOW

The Film, SAW, gets a: 7.5/10 Decent or good
"You are wondering where you are...Well, I'll tell you where you might be...You might be in the room you die in." - Jigsaw

Saw I was definitly a new concept and I liked it. Saw II was terrible. Any movie with Franky G is usually pretty bad. Saw III got the series back to normal. Saw IV was probaly the best one. Saw V I have not seen yet but I want to.
Stallone is my hero!

Registered User
i love that they each have a twisted ending and you have to figure it all out!
Movie Trailers

at first the movies were really good but then after like saw 3 they started to get boring.
i mean its the same story every time. people getting tortured and cops investigating.
i think that they should really stop the series
i hope saw 6 wont be disappointing
Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are.

At first I did not want to see the saw movies because I just thought they were just going to be meaningless, but when I watched it for the first time I realized that maybe these movies are needed because people take a lot of things in life for granted. They should continue to make more

We watched one and neither of us could believe that people could like these movies.
Horrible acting, plot, script, etc. I don't know how it could get any worse.

Good acting? Maybe if you consider Lost or Prision Break to be good acting. (psst. It's not..)
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