Le Pacte des Loups (Brotherhood of the Wolves)

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Hey everyone,

I don’t know about all of you, but when I watch a movie I don’t like to be sitting there wondering what time it is going to end. I need the kind of flick that will keep me on the edge of my seat through out the whole movie. Let me tell you that Brotherhood of the Wolf does just that!!! Stars in this movie include Mark Darcascos, who starred in The Crow, and the beautiful Monica Bellucci recently had a spot in Maxim Magazine. And for those couple out for a scare, this new French foreign film combines the best in action & horror. I was checking out www.brotherhoodofthewolf.com and found all kinds of good stuff, like the movie trailer, interviews, and fight scenes!! Do you think this type of fighting style was used in the film was really used back in the 1700’s ?? That kinda threw me for a loop. Check it out and let me know what you think.

-- Moviefan4

Female assassin extraordinaire.
Apologies if this is already somewhere; I couldn't find it. So, voila!

This isn't a thorough review, just my impressions...

Overall, it was a very good film though a tad on the long side. I love the French films, they have flair, philosophy, and artistry, and always the drama and romance, even if it's a modern film vs. a period piece.

For this one, the director spent just a TAD too much time adding those touches of flair so that a film that was 2 hrs, 22 minutes could easily have been just 2 hours. But he wasn't extreme, so I let it slide. Just be prepared not to drink all of your soda during the movie or you're gonna have to run out in the midst of the action. Examples: There's a victim scene where the cinematography, as elsewhere in the film, was very stylish but totally milked more than it should have been. The victim tries to run away and you get freeze frame shots - not just one (all that was necessary), not just two (which was pushing it), but a few (which made me sigh while watching).

Fight scenes were COOL. Fear/suspense factor (murders, mayhem, whodunit and some sadism going on) were played out quite well. They sorta hint at what the culprit is, dance around it, tangle it up with intrigue, politics, social structure, male bonding, romance, and tie it all up in the typical insouciance of "que sera, sera" at the end. This film delves well into the fantastical, well into the corrupt (ahh, the French know so much about corruption!), and into desire ... doesn't overdo it on the heroism and uses the subhero (Mani, the native American"sidekick") well rather than as a token "exotic."

It was funny, this came to a mainstream theater and the theater filled up pretty quick; we had good seats and there were a lotta regular joes in there, some with their buds, some with chicks. Then this guy leans over and asks me what the movie's about!! I almost laughed at him but played it straight and gave him a brief outline. By the end though, I was sure he, and most of the other dudes, enjoyed it.

Plenty of cleavage for the red-blooded het male, plenty of swashbuckling and mayhem, plenty of intrigue for those who like mysteries, hunts, plenty of romance for the women.

3.5 stars!

I loved this film. Absolutely loved it. It was certainly not perfect, by any means, but it I know I liked it because I desparately want the DVD... now. It's a very romantic story with fantastic and fleeting plot yet it seems to be fueled by the characters, who are developed in very subtle realistic ways. There is a scene fairly early in the film where almost all of the characters are in one place celebrating after the hunt and i was just so pleased with the presentation of each one. The casting is marvelous. There is the sexiest woman on Earth playing the role of, essentially, the sexiest woman on Earth: The sultry mysterious, and possibly dangerous italian whore. There is also the lovely aristocrat, Marialle who is probably the most beautiful woman who's ever been that... round. This is not to mention the stoic Mani, the freaky gypsy chick, Marianne's insanely curious brother (Jean-Francois?), man the charcters in this movie are awesome. I just love the way the story moves along and it never seems to matter how it got to where it is, just that it did. It's Candide meets Galapagos and I will NOT complain about that. Wow this post had no order at all. I liked it. I encourage you all to see it.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by thmilin
Apologies if this is already somewhere; I couldn't find it. So, voila!
Couldn't find it!? The same thread about the same movie can be found like not even 30 threads away from this one. So I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do....I'm gonna merge that thread with this and we will have no more worries.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Female assassin extraordinaire.
yeah yeah yeah, thanks. well, i went into the "Movie REviews" thread and it wasn't there. I did a search on the whole name of the movie, then just "loups" - nada. so i posted a new one. shorry.


I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
S'alright. It's sooo easy to merge threads you wouldn't believe. So don't worry bout it. I had renamed that thread moviefan had started, but nobody had posted in it.

That's why that nifty scrollbar is always handy. OK ok, I'm done giving you a hard time.

A great movie!!!!!!

I loved everything about it, as good as Amelie.

One of the most beautiful movies i have ever seen, the cinematography was excellent.

it might be on my top ten list im going to see it again.

The fight scenes beat most kung fu movies, See it NOW!!!!!
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me