It Is Not My Birthday


Confused Tibetan Book Maker
But Hello.
"Oh he was strong, and swift, and wise, but he was still a baby-child. He was no match for the guns and sounds, they shot him up, they shot him down. They shot him up and down. Mother Dear, don't start a-cryin', even though your son is dying. They shut his eyes and locked his jaw, and now his face is toward the wall." -Lockjaw, Dina Rae Lopresti (

One day you will ask me, what's more or your life. I will answer my life and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life

Your name reminds me of a favorable liquid dish I had once when I was in yeah it had hair in it. Was good and almost the best thing ever................. untill I hacked on it. Sometimes hair sux yeah?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

welcome to you to!
something witty goes here......

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Welcome newcomer take a seat a sing with me for a while....Doot doot doollllle do baa baabbarrra hoooyaahhhh!

lol Welcome to!!
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~