The mannager at where i work (we teach students in jobs and caeers) has decided to do a film day every month because she was astounded at my film knowledge and wanted to try and open young peoples minds up to cinema more.

so, ive decided to do my first lesson on M Night Shyamalan.. reason being that, he has a lot of universal messages in his films and the fact that his films are not what they are advertised as (e.g. the sixth sence was not a ghost film but a film about communication, signs was not about aliens but about a man re gaining his faith by how he see's signs. you know the rest) so, i will be educating them on him for the first month.

the film i will be showing is The Village (i would prefer to show lady in the water as it was so miss understood but, its not out lol) because this movie was quite miss understood and it has a strong message of love and innocence.

i will urge them to open there minds at the start of the film and tell them to look for messages and M Nights brilliant symbols through out e.g. colors.

I will let you all know how they recieved the film after.

should be fun!
"I Love Seeing People Recover From Darkness" - David Lynch