Looking for good 'little' films to rent


Anyone have ideas for DVD rentals? We're looking for offbeat 'little' films, any genre except horror. I am completely out of ideas....

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Anyone have ideas for DVD rentals? We're looking for offbeat 'little' films, any genre except horror. I am completely out of ideas.
Don't know what you mean by "little films", and if you're stuck renting from Blockbuster you may not be able to find much on the shelves anyway, but some you might not have gotten around to or heard of that I really like are...

Last Night (1998 - Don McKeller)
The Red Violin (1998 - François Girard)
Cookie's Fortune (1999 - Robert Atlman)
Chinese Box (1998 - Wayne Wang)
Normal Life (1996 - John McNaughton)
The Pledge (2001 - Sean Penn)
Six-String Samurai (1998 - Lance Mungia)
Goodbye, Lenin! (2004 - Wolfgang Becker)
Men with Guns (1997 - John Sayles)
Limbo (1999 - John Sayles)
City of Ghosts (2003 - Matt Dillon)
Touch (1997 - Paul Schrader)
The Squid and the Whale (2005 - Noah Baumbach)
The Butcher Boy (1998 - Neil Jordan)
Box of Moonlight (1996 - Tom DiCillo)
Waking the Dead (2000 - Keith Gordon)
I'm Not Scared (2004 - Gabriele Salvatores)
Junebug (2005 - Phil Morrison)
In the Realms of the Unreal (2005 - Jessica Yu)

Those are some from the past ten years to get you started.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra


Well I'd recommend "Hard Candy"... Not what I'd call a "Horror", more of a psychological thriller...

Another vote for Hard Candy...also Notorious Betty Page and The Devil and Daniel Johnston

Make that 3 votes for hard candy, you could try Elephant, That's not a bad little film,

or click here and see if you can get any inspiration from my own collection


My choises for ya would be:

The Machinest
Old Boy
My Little Eye

and I have to agree with Notorious Bettie Page!

Orange County is pretty hilarious.

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Anyone have ideas for DVD rentals? We're looking for offbeat 'little' films, any genre except horror. I am completely out of ideas....

Registered User
Watch 'Dead Man's Shoes'. It's amazing, pretty dark though. Amazing soundtrack !

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Don't know what you mean by "little films", and if you're stuck renting from Blockbuster you may not be able to find much on the shelves anyway, but some you might not have gotten around to or heard of that I really like are...

Last Night (1998 - Don McKeller)
The Red Violin (1998 - François Girard)
Cookie's Fortune (1999 - Robert Atlman)
Chinese Box (1998 - Wayne Wang)
Normal Life (1996 - John McNaughton)
The Pledge (2001 - Sean Penn)
Six-String Samurai (1998 - Lance Mungia)
Goodbye, Lenin! (2004 - Wolfgang Becker)
Men with Guns (1997 - John Sayles)
Limbo (1999 - John Sayles)
City of Ghosts (2003 - Matt Dillon)
Touch (1997 - Paul Schrader)
The Squid and the Whale (2005 - Noah Baumbach)
The Butcher Boy (1998 - Neil Jordan)
Box of Moonlight (1996 - Tom DiCillo)
Waking the Dead (2000 - Keith Gordon)
I'm Not Scared (2004 - Gabriele Salvatores)
Junebug (2005 - Phil Morrison)
In the Realms of the Unreal (2005 - Jessica Yu)

Those are some from the past ten years to get you started.
Yeah, fa sho, The Butcher Boy, it's good stuff. And, Six String Samurai, it's kooky. Asians are crazy.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Really hard to find... But I love them

Looking For Lola
Almost Heroes (NOT Almost Famous)