Discussion On Anything Of M. Night's


The Village is by far my favorite of his movies, however, I have not seen Unbreakable. All of them have meanings like no other film. They are beautiful and yet ugly. Let me explain.
The messages themselves are very ugly. They are rude awakenings to many, and yet the are beautiful. Beautiful in the way that they are conveyed and beautiful because when we understand these messages we feel as though we have a second chance. That we can try and help fix this ugly things. But we cannot do it alone we need others. Just like in Lady In The Water a group of strangers join each other in hopes of distroying and evil and you know what? They win. Can we ever hope of such a real life occurence? M. Night Shyamalan seems to believe so as he writes and produces more films that teach us.

Originally Posted by kyrstenburroughs
The Village is by far my favorite of his movies, however, I have not seen Unbreakable. All of them have meanings like no other film. They are beautiful and yet ugly. Let me explain.
The messages themselves are very ugly. They are rude awakenings to many, and yet the are beautiful. Beautiful in the way that they are conveyed and beautiful because when we understand these messages we feel as though we have a second chance. That we can try and help fix this ugly things. But we cannot do it alone we need others. Just like in Lady In The Water a group of strangers join each other in hopes of distroying and evil and you know what? They win. Can we ever hope of such a real life occurence? M. Night Shyamalan seems to believe so as he writes and produces more films that teach us.

I really like how you said "The messages themselves are very ugly. They are rude awakenings to many, and yet the are beautiful."

I thought that was one of the best and most brilliant words I have heard from a fan. I also like how you see his films with a deeper understanding.

Welcome to the forum by the way. Nice to have another ingenious person join us.

Originally Posted by WarpedStrawberry
I really like how you said "The messages themselves are very ugly. They are rude awakenings to many, and yet the are beautiful."

I thought that was one of the best and most brilliant words I have heard from a fan. I also like how you see his films with a deeper understanding.

Welcome to the forum by the way. Nice to have another ingenious person join us.
Wow. I haven't really been complimented on my intellect in such a nice way. Thank you very much. I enjoy M.Night so much because he has inspired me to become director to produce films as beautiful as his.


From the films I had seen I connected some characters. Now then this may be common sense to you all, and you all may have already discovered this surpise, but here is what I found:

In The Sixth Sense Bruce Willis plays the phsychologist and in the next film Unbreakable he plays someone (I haven't seen this one). Then Greg Wood plays the father of the poisoned girl in The Sixth Sense and then plays the male anchor in Signs. Joaquin Phoenix plays Marril Hess in Signs and then Lucias in The Village. Bryce Dallas Howard plays the role of Ivy Walker in The Village and then in Lady In The Water she plays Story.

I found this very interesting because I haven't seen anything like it in other films. I have not yet connected Unbreakable to Signs. It kind of shows that all his films are connected and may even have one universal message in them along with their special individual ones.

I read earlier that his morals come together in Lady In The Water which is his latest film. M. Night Shyamalan will never cease to amaze me.


Originally Posted by kyrstenburroughs
From the films I had seen I connected some characters. Now then this may be common sense to you all, and you all may have already discovered this surpise, but here is what I found:

In The Sixth Sense Bruce Willis plays the phsychologist and in the next film Unbreakable he plays someone (I haven't seen this one). Then Greg Wood plays the father of the poisoned girl in The Sixth Sense and then plays the male anchor in Signs. Joaquin Phoenix plays Marril Hess in Signs and then Lucias in The Village. Bryce Dallas Howard plays the role of Ivy Walker in The Village and then in Lady In The Water she plays Story.

I found this very interesting because I haven't seen anything like it in other films. I have not yet connected Unbreakable to Signs. It kind of shows that all his films are connected and may even have one universal message in them along with their special individual ones.

I read earlier that his morals come together in Lady In The Water which is his latest film. M. Night Shyamalan will never cease to amaze me.


I don't think your keen sense of awareness will cease to amaze me lol.

The actress Cherry Jones who plays Officer Paski in Signs, also plays Mrs. Clack in The Village.

It was said in an interview with Night, that he carries main or supporting actors and actresses over to subsequent films, when he feels they would fit that part. Based on their performance in previous films. It wasn't meant to form a particular pattern.

Sixth Sense to Unbreakable: Bruce Willis
Sixth Sense to Signs: Greg Wood
Signs to The Village: Joaquin Phoenix/Cherry Jones
The Village to Lady in the Water: Bryce Dallas Howard

Their may be other people that were carried over that I don't know about.

I have noticed how he tends to use similar messages in his subtext. Such as the thought that everything is meant to be, finding ones purpose, accepting and utilizing what to do when blessed with a gift we may not understand, working together to do what's right, and that evil exists too greatly in life.

I think all these films share the same messages, just revealed in different ways.

Your clever thinking and analyzing couldn't be better. It also helps me look at these stories from different ways.

It is cool to know that someone else picked up on the whole character train thing. Sometimes I tend to overlook things.
When I first saw Signs (my first M. Night film) I watched it like it was a horror movie, I thought it was good, but hey I didn't really care. Then in my 8th grade theater class we watched it again. I began to realize what M. Night was trying to portray. I noticed colors such as brown, yellow, and green which are colors of homeliness which makes us become more attached, I realized what the message was. We had to take notes over the movie while we watched it. I sat at the front of the room my eyes glued to the t.v. I took over sixteen pages of notes granted I wrote big, but nonetheless no one else took over two pages. I am not meaning to brag or bring down anyone, but this sort of proves how society is turning and the future, us, me and my classmates are falling into step behind those who are in charge now.
M. Night is wonderful and his movies will always be cherished in my home. I just hope to be able to create movies that make you go home and think about and make the critics hiss and boo. If the critics don't like it then it must be something either really terrible or something so amazing that it cannot be understood by the average eye, but by one of compassion and love and beauty that goes against the mainstream to prove a dying point.


Originally Posted by kyrstenburroughs
It is cool to know that someone else picked up on the whole character train thing. Sometimes I tend to overlook things.
When I first saw Signs (my first M. Night film) I watched it like it was a horror movie, I thought it was good, but hey I didn't really care. Then in my 8th grade theater class we watched it again. I began to realize what M. Night was trying to portray. I noticed colors such as brown, yellow, and green which are colors of homeliness which makes us become more attached, I realized what the message was. We had to take notes over the movie while we watched it. I sat at the front of the room my eyes glued to the t.v. I took over sixteen pages of notes granted I wrote big, but nonetheless no one else took over two pages. I am not meaning to brag or bring down anyone, but this sort of proves how society is turning and the future, us, me and my classmates are falling into step behind those who are in charge now.
M. Night is wonderful and his movies will always be cherished in my home. I just hope to be able to create movies that make you go home and think about and make the critics hiss and boo. If the critics don't like it then it must be something either really terrible or something so amazing that it cannot be understood by the average eye, but by one of compassion and love and beauty that goes against the mainstream to prove a dying point.

I really admire your respect for this art, and especially your liking of filmmaking. It's also a hobby of mine. I have been writing screenplays (short story and full-length) for years now. I am working on short films and hoping to make a feature-length film one day. Filmmaking is something I plan to do in the future. I came upon it before I knew about Night, but he still inspired me and my ideas. He's not only my favorite filmmaker but someone I can look up to.

Anyway, I too am into this art and I love filmmaking. I'm glad their are others that enjoy this as well.

Wow 16 pages? Now that's a true fan. Ever thought about writing a script? Lol.

Originally Posted by WarpedStrawberry
I really admire your respect for this art, and especially your liking of filmmaking. It's also a hobby of mine. I have been writing screenplays (short story and full-length) for years now. I am working on short films and hoping to make a feature-length film one day. Filmmaking is something I plan to do in the future. I came upon it before I knew about Night, but he still inspired me and my ideas. He's not only my favorite filmmaker but someone I can look up to.

Anyway, I too am into this art and I love filmmaking. I'm glad their are others that enjoy this as well.

Wow 16 pages? Now that's a true fan. Ever thought about writing a script? Lol.
Well I used to write stories all the time. I'd type them on the computer and one would be one page, another fifty pages, another twenty. I wrote many stories and I haven't finished any of them. Mostly because I don't like them. They do not have a point really and that bothers me. I also keep creating new ideas, basically get ahead of myself. But after getting back into M. Night Shyamalan's work I realized I could do other things that would be better, you know really catch people's attention and get them thinking.
