M. Night is a Revolutionary!


I am an M. Night fan through and through. In everyone of his movies(to me), he has progressed and taken the film industry to a whole new level. As "13B" in Lady In The Water said, "there is no originality left in the world." I fully believe him and can back his statement up with thousands upon thousands of examples! But any M. Night movie demonstrates the birth of a newer and indeed BETTER age of movie making, or if you prefer, the progression of sheer genius at it's best. Now that he has become more known and began his unique film career, movie's will start changing and people will view his work as the beggining of a new era. I would say "The Birth of Originality in the Twenty-First Century". And this next statement I'm sure most movie go-ers can back me up on, "That Movement Has Long Been Over-Due."

I can HARDLY wait 'til his next movie comes out!!!

-Tommy V.

M. Night Shyamalan Rocks!!!

Originally Posted by littletommy16
I am an M. Night fan through and through. In everyone of his movies(to me), he has progressed and taken the film industry to a whole new level. As "13B" in Lady In The Water said, "there is no originality left in the world." I fully believe him and can back his statement up with thousands upon thousands of examples! But any M. Night movie demonstrates the birth of a newer and indeed BETTER age of movie making, or if you prefer, the progression of sheer genius at it's best. Now that he has become more known and began his unique film career, movie's will start changing and people will view his work as the beggining of a new era. I would say "The Birth of Originality in the Twenty-First Century". And this next statement I'm sure most movie go-ers can back me up on, "That Movement Has Long Been Over-Due."

I can HARDLY wait 'til his next movie comes out!!!

-Tommy V.

M. Night Shyamalan Rocks!!!
I fully agree with you. I am a huge M. Night fan myself. Love his movies and how he acts. Great! Anyway, welcome to the site. Hope you like it here. Hope we can be friends.
"'How many more of you are there?'" - M. Night Shyamalan

Yeah, Welcome Little T.
So far the group here is cool, wait til the forum slugs start jumping on. They'll get bashed by us real quick! haha

I agree with you too. You'll find some come on here for the sole purpose to rile up Night fans with trolling, but for the most part, this is a great place to talk about the man and his movies.


"See, what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky?" - M. Night Shyamalan

Shyamalan is absolutely the best film maker of our time. He makes intelligent, visually beautiful films that are thought provoking and deal with real human issues. No other film maker brings these elements together, on so many different levels. I hope that M Night never stops making films.

Originally Posted by sheldonl
Shyamalan is absolutely the best film maker of our time. He makes intelligent, visually beautiful films that are thought provoking and deal with real human issues. No other film maker brings these elements together, on so many different levels. I hope that M Night never stops making films.
Same here. lol Welcome to the site Sheldonl! It's great here.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Originally Posted by diane09
Same here. lol Welcome to the site Sheldonl! It's great here.
Part of what I do like about every single M. Night film is that he has a real knack for casting. So, even the films I'm not as crazy about as others, still turn in amazing performances by just the right people for those roles.

I'm not sure how much he writes to his cast (which came first, the chicken or the egg?), but he really does use his actors to their potential in their roles. For instance, I became a Joaquin Phoenix fan because of "Signs." To see him go an entirely different direction in "The Village" was a real treat. And yet somehow Night knew how to use JP in that role in ways I wouldn't have seen.

Originally Posted by Austruck
Part of what I do like about every single M. Night film is that he has a real knack for casting. So, even the films I'm not as crazy about as others, still turn in amazing performances by just the right people for those roles.

I'm not sure how much he writes to his cast (which came first, the chicken or the egg?), but he really does use his actors to their potential in their roles. For instance, I became a Joaquin Phoenix fan because of "Signs." To see him go an entirely different direction in "The Village" was a real treat. And yet somehow Night knew how to use JP in that role in ways I wouldn't have seen.
I have to agree with you. I saw "Walk the Line," which JP did really well. I liked him after that, but not as much as I did after I saw "Signs." I haven't seen "The Village," but i'm really looking forward to it.

I agree with the word revolutionary and I've been toying with the idea that Lady in the Water is M Night's "Cookbook". The book is meant to provide a different perspective on things, which Lady in the Water did for the characters in his movie. The book is meant to affect a great change in the life of a person who then proceeds to affect the lives of others, something I feel Lady in the Water can do.

The reason I feel this way is because this movie is about Purpose which is something virtually every single movie made today does not address, except the Matrix Trilogy. Purpose is important because it makes us feel important, it is where self-esteem and self-value comes from, and this concept is not even taught in schools.....so it takes a different media to get the point to us.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the Cookbook was a central part of the movie.

Originally Posted by sifusco
I agree with the word revolutionary and I've been toying with the idea that Lady in the Water is M Night's "Cookbook". The book is meant to provide a different perspective on things, which Lady in the Water did for the characters in his movie. The book is meant to affect a great change in the life of a person who then proceeds to affect the lives of others, something I feel Lady in the Water can do.

The reason I feel this way is because this movie is about Purpose which is something virtually every single movie made today does not address, except the Matrix Trilogy. Purpose is important because it makes us feel important, it is where self-esteem and self-value comes from, and this concept is not even taught in schools.....so it takes a different media to get the point to us.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the Cookbook was a central part of the movie.
Sifusco, mnightfans.com has a link to an MNS interview in which he talks about the cookbook. It's a nice interview; he talks about the cookbook, the writing process, etc. in a pretty straightforward, thoughful way. I liked listening to the audio feed more than the printed text, because you could get a better sense of the guy by hearing him talk than reading the interview.