M. Night's next movie


yea does anyone know of any rumors or anything about his next project and what it is

Yeah, I was just reading about it.

He is undecided as of the interview 7/15/06, but toying with the idea of a Jurassic Park or an Agatha Christie theme.

lol jurrasic park wow that came out of left field i wanted to know cause it would be sweet to be in one of his movies as an extra specially since im in philly area whats that other theme you said what is it about

Agatha Christie---I guess --a whodunnit kind of film????

Originally Posted by killerclown6939
yea does anyone know of any rumors or anything about his next project and what it is
Isn't he rumored to be vying for the final Harry Potter film?

Odd Thomas's Avatar
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I dunno about the Harry Potter film. At least the fans at the Snitch (probably the most prolific HP site out there, based in England) weren't too keen on the idea of MNS teaming up with JK Rowling.
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OMG PLease M.KNight DON'T DO a harry potter , you are so above that.

Keep to your orginal writings please please .... oh the thought of M .knight doing a harry potter is making me sick.

Originally Posted by jrs
I heard that somewhere. Don't know where though.
I saw it on Rotten Tomatoes movie news. Said he was considering it because he wanted to do the first Harry Potter but at the time was busy with another project.
"See, what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky?" - M. Night Shyamalan

Originally Posted by Pennyless
I saw it on Rotten Tomatoes movie news. Said he was considering it because he wanted to do the first Harry Potter but at the time was busy with another project.
ugh how could M.Knight even consider harry potter, its such a boring plot to begin with , and not insightful like his own works. theres no real moral to any of the H potter stories , i really hope he stays away from it.

Originally Posted by nagahugs
ugh how could M.Knight even consider harry potter, its such a boring plot to begin with , and not insightful like his own works. theres no real moral to any of the H potter stories , i really hope he stays away from it.
No offense, and please no one jump down my throat for posting this on--god forbid!--THE M. Night forums, but I would argue gladly that all four Harry Potter films are better than everything Shyamalan has made with the exception of The Sixth Sense. Of course, he's not really in the business of making family films, so I'm not sure how directly comparable they are.

And btw, morality is cheap when it's forced upon you and slapped across your face with the subtlety of a dead clown.

I think making a large, mainstream film like that might do some good for M. Night. Perhaps force him to collaborate and gain some perspective.

Lost in never never land
A well done Agatha Christie style film could be good for him to do. It would be different enough from what he has currently been working on, but still similar and would allow him to create interesting twists.

As for the Harry Potter idea, I could see it as a possibility for him to do the 7th, if it is darker then the rest have been. Otherwise, I don't want to see him doing it. Plus, I would tend to think that he would put his heavy influence of his own onto it, which wouldn't be that great a thing, IMO.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Originally Posted by The Gnat
A well done Agatha Christie style film could be good for him to do. It would be different enough from what he has currently been working on, but still similar and would allow him to create interesting twists.

As for the Harry Potter idea, I could see it as a possibility for him to do the 7th, if it is darker then the rest have been. Otherwise, I don't want to see him doing it. Plus, I would tend to think that he would put his heavy influence of his own onto it, which wouldn't be that great a thing, IMO.
I agree i dont think H potter is his kind of film, i mean i don't see how it would work. Unless like you said he made it darker , but then it might be to scary for little kids. I really think the Agatha Chritie idea is best , im such a huge fan of hers to begin with , if he did his own variation on that WOW. I Love "WHo done it" movies , and his take on it would be incredable.

I really don't want to see M Knight doing mainstream stuff , theres enough directors out there doing that junk . His work is so wonderful and different , i would hate to see him sell out . I mean im sure he would make the movie his own but , His own works are far suprior then the mainstream stuff. ( i hope that made sense LOL)


Originally Posted by killerclown6939
yea does anyone know of any rumors or anything about his next project and what it is

I thought I read somewhere (ages ago) that he was involved with making a movie from the book "Life of Pi"?

Originally Posted by mchelle77
I thought I read somewhere (ages ago) that he was involved with making a movie from the book "Life of Pi"?
He is writing the screenplay and producing the film for "Life of Pi".

He was at first going to direct it, but was replaced.

I was terribly disapointed with his work on "Lady In The Water". I thought it was a genious idea, but was poorly crafted. I hope the outcome of this film will give him some idea of what to do and not to do for future projects.

Does he have any older, not so heard of movies? I'd like to try and get a copy if there are any......

Look on imdb.com for all his movies. He's only done two others outside of the ones he is better known for. One looked like a comedy and the other was about an Indian boy, but I forget the plot.

I'd be disappointed to see him do a franchise flick at this point.

great, thanks! I'll do that.

Originally Posted by mattie7632
great, thanks! I'll do that.

His first two film releases were:

1. Praying with Anger

2. Wide Awake

Both are very well done and I suggest them to anyone. You can find Wide Awake usually at the video rental store.

I've never heard of either one, but I'm definitely going to check at the ol video store. Were they suspense films? Scary? I'm sure they were unique anyway.