Is this right? Please check my homework!!


Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
Ok, this is my homework of 11 questions. I just want you to see if it's right.

-Key Skills-

Which property is illustrated by each statement?

1. 2+0=2

answer- Additive Identity

2. (1)2.5=2.5

Answer- Multiplicative Identity

3. 2.4 + 7.1 = 7.1 + 2.4

Answer- Communitive addition

4. 1+ (2+5) = (1+2) + 5

Answer- Associative Addition

5. 5 (1 Fifth)= 1

Answer- Multiplicative inverse

6. 4x10 = 10x4

Answer- Communitive Multiplication


7. Multiplying 5 by 9 gives the same answer as multiplying 9 by 5

answer- Communitive Multiplication

8. Adding 5 to 9 gives the same number as adding 9 to 5.

answer- Communitive addition

9. Add 0 to any number and you get the same number.

answer- Additive Identity

10. Multiplying any non-zero number by it's recipracal and the result is 1.

answer- Multiplicative inverse

Thats it.

Thanks in advanced.


I wipe my ass with your feelings

Do it'll thank me.
We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. It's war. Soldiers, they kill other soldiers. We're in a situation where everybody involved knows the stakes. And if you're gonna accept those stakes... You gotta do certain things. It's business, we're soldiers. We follow codes... Orders.

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
Much thanks

Cheating!! HERE I COME!!


How in the world do you do math through Google? I remember my old algebra 2 teacher telling me something about Google. I thought she meant to go search for algebra websites. Is it possible to do your algebra problems right at Google and cheat? Because if so....

I'm the biggest dunderhead alive.

Wait, correction: Biggest + SEXIEST dunderhead alive. (Thanks, Google)

Originally Posted by The_Butcher
Ok, this is my homework of 11 questions. I just want you to see if it's right.

-Key Skills-

Which property is illustrated by each statement?

1. 2+0=2

answer- Additive Identity

2. (1)2.5=2.5

Answer- Multiplicative Identity

3. 2.4 + 7.1 = 7.1 + 2.4

Answer- Communitive addition

4. 1+ (2+5) = (1+2) + 5

Answer- Associative Addition

5. 5 (1 Fifth)= 1

Answer- Multiplicative inverse

6. 4x10 = 10x4

Answer- Communitive Multiplication


7. Multiplying 5 by 9 gives the same answer as multiplying 9 by 5

answer- Communitive Multiplication

8. Adding 5 to 9 gives the same number as adding 9 to 5.

answer- Communitive addition

9. Add 0 to any number and you get the same number.

answer- Additive Identity

10. Multiplying any non-zero number by it's recipracal and the result is 1.

answer- Multiplicative inverse

Thats it.

Thanks in advanced.


I have no idea what level of math this is. But in all my years of math I have never had to do this. Looks like a combo of math and abnormal psychology...Identity?

I wipe my ass with your feelings
Google enables you to look up stuff so you can check your hw.

Get it?