IT/Website help?


My sister has a site that she is having great difficulty setting up, i'm fairly computer illerate myself so I'm asking my fellow Mofof's to help.

She is using a free webpost company and after three days of working on it, using all the available facilities, she found a web page design she liked better then the default one so she tried to change it, didn't think it had worked but now when she checks the site the new design is there empty of all the information she has completed so far. She wants to know if she can transfer the information from the old site onto the new one or has she lost it all completely. If she can transfer it does anyone know how to?
'My mind is full of stars....'

My sister is desperate for an answer as soon as possible.

I think what you need to do is modify the HTML of the template so that it includes all your info.

Treat me as a moron please. Really.

How do you modify the template?

My sister is a complete amateur and I'm even worse.

We could discuss this offline. IM me with full details and I will do my best to help.

Thank you so much for trying to help me darkhorse but I don't have an IM. Yoda has actually been trying to help as well and as I have been pestering him extensively on behave of my sister I shall see if he can help me first. If not I'll be sure to call on you next as you have been helpful.

If my sister has any success I shall add to this thread to say so.

No problem, and best of luck!

How old is your sister? If she's over 18 I may be able to help her.

Originally Posted by sunfrog
How old is your sister? If she's over 18 I may be able to help her.
As appealing as that offer may sound to her, AND her brother, mayber you should forget it sunfrog. She's way out of your league.

She's hot?

No, but anyone is out of the league of someone that asked an entire forum for advice on cyber sex

SORTED! Hurrah!

sunfrog, my sister is neither looking for a pimp or pimple.