Star Wars Episodes I-VI All on DVD in November!!!!


All 6 of the Star Wars films will hit DVD in different releases on November 1st of this year. It looks like you can buy the final movie separately, buy the prequels together or buy all six films in a complete set. Whether or not this is the "definitive release" of the complete saga is unknown, but we can sure hope for a pile of new extras. Here is the list of what will be available ....

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Widescreen)
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Full Screen)
Star Wars Episodes I-III (Widescreen)
Star Wars Episodes I-III (Full Screen)
Star Wars Episodes I-VI (Widescreen)
Star Wars Episodes I-VI (Full Screen)


I think i'll wait a little while longer before i purchase the 6. Just to see if he is gonna have anything to add to it during the following months.

i might buy the 3 prequels seeing as i already have IV-VI on dvd
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

thats pretty big news and should be a even bigger seller

Throw the first two out. I haven't seen ROTS yet.

Originally Posted by Escape
I think i'll wait a little while longer before i purchase the 6. Just to see if he is gonna have anything to add to it during the following months.
You mean 10 years from now when technology is a helluva lot different and he wants to make it modern again.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
You mean 10 years from now when technology is a helluva lot different and he wants to make it modern again.
I am not waiting.... once Episode III arrives I'm buying it and I'll have 'em all. Period.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Do you really like the second trilogy that much, J?
I'm not J, but I'll answer.

The Phantom Menace is quite possibly the worst film ever made. I can not STAND that piece of ****.

Attack of the Clones, while much easier to watch than Menace, is still pretty much junk. There are some scenes that I like, but the film is an emotionless void.

Revenge of the Sith however, surpasses Return of the Jedi for me, and I actually enjoy watching it more than any of the other five films right now. It's dark, operatic, and epic on a grand scale. Many folks I know like it the best of the six, and while I, as a child of the 70s, just can't agree with that, it is definitely a great flick, in my book.

Still, as for a definitive release of the six films, I am just not interested. I have the OT on DVD, and I will just buy Revenge on it's own when it come out, so I can complete the set of the films I like. I will never buy The Phantom Menace. Never.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Sedai
The Phantom Menace is quite possibly the worst film ever made. I can not STAND that piece of ****.
What? Even worst than Battlefield Earth? I've told you a thousand times not to over-exaggerate.

It's a kiddy movie. It was made for kids, not for you. I was eleven when it came out, and I loved it. So I'd say it did it's job. So even though I look back and say, "Wow. I thought it was better than that", I wouldn't call it the worst film ever made.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Do you really like the second trilogy that much, J?
I have the definitive editions of epidodes IV-VI on DVD, and also own episodes I and II.

I am not going to say I hate them like everyone else, because why should I agree just to please other Star Wars fans. Episodes I and/ or II are not the worst films ever made. Get real.

Besides, I and II are part of the Star Wars story so how you eliminate it. I enjoy them. If you don't like it give me bad rep, call me a sith lord...I don't care.

A system of cells interlinked
I am getting real, and yes, The Phantom Menace is one of the worst films ever made, IMO. No one can argue that point with me. Battlefield Earth didn't have Jar Jar binks ruining every scene in the film. BE was terrible, but I think Phantom outdoes it.

"I'm a person, and my name is Anakin."

People say "But Menace had Darth Maul!!!"

Darth Maul, while he has a cool style to his character design, is a terrible character, that says one line in the film, and then gets smoked. Total waste of energy. He is terrible because he could have been so cool, but he just looks cool. That's it.

Queen Amidala is played like a slack-jawed yak on thorizine. As Portman slurs and drools through her lines, I wonder if she was slamming valium to deal with all the goofy **** that was going on around her.

"Here Natalie, put this horsehair tire on your head. Now, sit there and look around, like your important, even though if we had to pick anyone out of this room to be the court jester, it would be you, and your 4th grade make-up job."

What about when the Jedi have to take the quickest route to Naboo from Jar-Jar land? "Go through the planets core, it's the fastest way". WHAT?? The only time it would be faster to go through the planets core (which is impossible on any solid mass planet) would be if they were diametrically opposed to the place they wanted to go. So, if he droids are harassing Naboo, why would they drop their attack vehicles (which is what Jar Jar is running from) on the other side of the planet, as far away from the city they are attacking as possible? Maybe they saw Jar-Jar and knew he would eventually knock over a wagon full of christmas ornaments and "accidentally" take out their entire droid army.

Midichlorians - Stupidest.Idea.Ever. - and sayyyyyyyyy...Just how did Qui-Gon send that blood sample to Obi-wan, and WHY? One of two things could have happened. Qui-gons device either analyzed the blood and sent the analysis to Obi-wan (meaning it was already analyzed, so why not just look yourself), or it somehow sent the actual blood over to Obi-wan. Last time I checked, matter transporters were in Star Trek, not Star Wars.

At one point, there is a fart joke in the film. In a Star Wars film!!!

In Episode II, Sidious hints that Anakin was created by a powerful sit-lord that could create life. This means his whole destiny was planned by the Sith all along. SO why does Darth Maul try to run Anakin over on his hover scooter? And it IS a scooter. Like one of the lame ones from the 80s, remember those? Also, that kid is nine, some Sith Apprentice you turned out to be Maul, can't even take out a nine year old who isn't looking at you when you attack.

the worst one out them all, in my opinion, has to be return of the jedi...the acting was off, the chemistry was off and those about a kid's film

and the ending...ugh... the special edition made a BIG improvement...

You think it's worse than Episode One, eh?

Personally, I like Jedi a lot. I don't mind the Ewoks so much. Besides, it has one of my favorite Star Wars moments...

GggrraaahhhAAhhaahhAAhhaahhh (Tarzan).....

I never get enough of that part.

Oh, Sedai. I agree with you that Episode One blows, but there are so many other movies that blow A Stranger Among Us. YUCH!!! I friggin' hate that movie...oh, and Runaway Bride...GACK!!!

Originally Posted by susan
the worst one out them all, in my opinion, has to be return of the jedi...the acting was off, the chemistry was off and those about a kid's film

and the ending...ugh... the special edition made a BIG improvement...
really susan? Return of the Jedi was always my favorite with Empire strickes back right behind it. well i guess different people got different tastes

A system of cells interlinked
I find Jedi almost as unwatchable as Menace and Clones, but the nostalgia puts it on top for me. Maybe I will list off a few things about Jedi later on, in my sarcastic yet witty way.

As for Phantom Menace, Slay has proven me wrong by listing Runaway Bride, which I just can't argue with.

i didn't mind jar jar that much ....

i found attack of the clones much more boring than phantom menace...

anyway, i will always remember one line from when we went to see episode 1 the second time was from a little kid in back of me who turned to his mother and asked

"That little kid is going to grow up to be Darth Vader?"

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by Sedai
I find Jedi almost as unwatchable as Menace and Clones, but the nostalgia puts it on top for me. Maybe I will list off a few things about Jedi later on, in my sarcastic yet witty way.

As for Phantom Menace, Slay has proven me wrong by listing Runaway Bride, which I just can't argue with.
Agree with everything Sedai has written, Darth Maul could have become as iconic as Darth Vader, if he wasn't so poorly written and underused. The first time I saw D.Maul, with the double-edged lightsaber, I was blown away, couldn't believe how crap Phantom Menace was, THE biggest cinematic dissapointment ever. Clone Wars was less of a disaster, but I felt like I was watching a cartoon at times, especially during the battle scenes, kept expecting the Titanic to make an appearance, the CGI was that bad.

As a kid, I loved Jedi, now its like Star Wars meets Sesame street, I find it difficult to watch, however as a kid, Empire was the film I liked the least, now it's one of my favourite films of all time. Revenge of the Sith, comes third after Empire, and A New Hope, liked Sith's dark tone, reminded me a lot of Empire.
Battelfield Earth,I watched 10 mins of this crapfest, before I had to take a shower! If I ever meet Travolta, I'll ask for those 10 mins of my life back with intrest.
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?