Evolution 2 - Never-ending Debate


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(can I call ya Ben? I dunno what to call you with such a confusing username. ),
Sure bo!

I think it's POSSIBLE that it could've been meant as symoblic or something of the sort.
When it all comes around it doesn't really matter. The question is not Evolution vs. Creation, but rather, – the real battle is the authority of the Word of God vs. man’s fallible theories.

The only thing I am sure of is that there's some kind of God out there, and that it appears to be the God from The Bible.
Mate, I can tell you right now that there is only one God and that God is the God of The Bible.
Christianity isn't actually a religion. Religion is man's attempt to reach acceptence by a Holy God. Christianity is the message that God loves us, and came into this world in human form to die for us so that, anyone who accepts this and believes this, can call themselves Children of God.

Originally posted by Arthur Dent
I'm sorry. Obviously this isn't MY discussion, it's YOURS. I should have known better.
Hey Art!
Did I give you a lesson in flying off the handle? I don't remember you showing up for class that day! Where the h ell are you keeping yourself? I miss you!

Thanks for the link, Matt. I'm not sure if I want to chuckle or punch a hole in the wall when I hear about people who want to talk about having an alternative heard (atheism, evolution, etc), yet don't like the idea of anything BUT their belief being taught in public schools. BOTH should be taught, and neither should be declared true. They should be taught as theories and nothing more, if at all, IMO.

I read it in a time magazine.
I had no real opinions, but I posted it all the same.
Don't care much.