Movie about Painter and Thief


Movie about Painter and Thief
Sorry for my bad english D:
The artist-outsider tries to commit suicide and at this moment some thief-outsider loots and robs this artist. This fhief even have a duty to the owner of the room. The owner of the Thief room take the stolen painting as the payment of debt. Then the thief understand, that he can became art-manager of this artist and sell his paintings and he comes up with a name for this artist - %the name of some Italian canned%. And then they become popular...

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Movie about Painter and Thief
Sorry for my bad english D:
The artist-outsider tries to commit suicide and at this moment some thief-outsider loots and robs this artist. This fhief even have a duty to the owner of the room. The owner of the Thief room take the stolen painting as the payment of debt. Then the thief understand, that he can became art-manager of this artist and sell his paintings and he comes up with a name for this artist - %the name of some Italian canned%. And then they become popular...

I doubt this is it, but if it's an older movie, maybe The Art of Love (1965) with James Garner and Dick Van Dyke? I haven't seen the movie in a while, and I don't remember a robbery, but there's a reference to suicide, and James Garner selling Dick Van Dyke's paintings after his "death" because they're worth more after the artist dies.

Or maybe you can find it in this list from Wikipedia of "Films about fictional painters":
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I doubt this is it, but if it's an older movie, maybe The Art of Love (1965) with James Garner and Dick Van Dyke? I haven't seen the movie in a while, and I don't remember a robbery, but there's a reference to suicide, and James Garner selling Dick Van Dyke's paintings after his "death" because they're worth more after the artist dies.

Or maybe you can find it in this list from Wikipedia of "Films about fictional painters":
OMG, Thank you, it is that film.