I have a brilliant idea for a movie, but how do i get started?


I have a brilliant idea for a movie, but how do i get started?

I think of writing and making some pictures of what the characters will look like etc.
But how did most of the film directors/producers got started?

First: I've moved this to the Business & Box Office Discussion forum.

Second: please do not post the same thread in multiple forums.

Third: I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone who asks this. In fact, I'll just quote what I said the last time to someone else:

Ideas are cheap. Execution is what matters. The only people who get to pitch mere concepts are ones who've already done something in the industry. For everyone else, you need to make something.
People get started by starting.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Pay me $2,500 and I will write you a script.

Take said script to people. They will love it and want to make it into a movie.

PM me for details.

If this is something of a side thing for fun and little to no profit, just ask a few friends to help with sets and equipment (that will be little to no cost), read a few books ok filmmaking/writing fiction (Stephen King's On Writing, Denny Martin Flinn's How Not to Write a Screenplay and Strunk and White's Elements of Style are a good start) for ideas, and shoot it, preferably at places you don't need a permit/fee and are easy to access.

If this is intended for profit, I can't give much advice in additional to what I just said.

Most big filmmakers nowadays (except Tarantino) got a film degree in college.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
You know something's brilliant when the person who thought it thinks so!

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Pay me $2,500 and I will write you a script.

Take said script to people. They will love it and want to make it into a movie.

PM me for details.
I'll do it it for $2300 and I'll throw in 2 free dance numbers.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Write the script, finish it, copyright and publish it, and then go from there... If I was you, I would depend on yourself. If you have money, pay people (only after they did the work).. Regardless of what happens, hopefully you can be proud of the work itself.