I recently watched the movie Little Women and was really upset when Amy and Laurie became a couple. I intensely disliked Amy's character all throughout the movie! When she was younger, she burned Jo's book and when Amy grew older she was about to marry a man purely for his money! In my opinion, she was always childish and irritating... She was the only character I had disliked in the movie... Essentially, I saw Jo ( wild, crazy, unromantic) as Meg's opposite ( who was calm, composed and romantic)... Then Beth ( sweet, kind and pure) was Amy's opposite (Rude, childish and inconsiderate). I also think that Laurie never stopped loving Jo ( his first love). He grew old and bitter and settled with Amy so that he wouldn't have to be alone. I don't think that Laurie and Jo would have made a good couple... but I certainly didn't want him to wind up with Amy! It seems like an ending that just doesn't fit in an otherwise perfect movie! I'm really interested to know what everyone thinks of Laurie and Amy as a couple!!!
Forever bitter because my friend wouldn't help me with the dunk tank! So hurt.