Rate Everything!



Rate what the person above you has asked you to rate.

It could be ANYTHING -- until we've rated EVERYTHING!

First thing to rate:

The act of breathing.

Welcome to the human race...
5/10, on the one hand it keeps me alive but on the other hand I don't like the fact that if it gets stopped for long enough then I'll die.

I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

10/10 or

Eating is one of the best things in life.

Clapping your hands.

Welcome to the human race...
7/10, excellent way to punctuate the best moments in life but can be tiring if you do it for too long.

Bass guitar (in general).

Great to take a bath or shower in and you can drink it. But let's not talk about the taste.


Welcome to the human race...
5/10, sure they can carry diseases and are a pest, but they make for alright pets.

Benedict Cumberbatch's face.


Not my idea of cute, but it's a unique kind of face.

Winona Ryder's nose.


Great if they're hot and there's A LOT of syrup on them. Don't like anything in them -- I like them plain.

Scratch off lottery cards?