The reviews on DVD covers


Not sure if this in right place and this is not a question or anything, just a bit of a moan. I just wanted to say how it pee's me off when some film covers are plastered with 4 or 5 star reviews, or good reviews, when the films quite clearly are rubbish!

For instance, I watched Hotrod the other day. Now, it had it's moments, but i definitely wasn't 'really, really funny from start to finish' as one review said or that it deserved 4 stars.

The problem is, I often remember reading about a certain film I'm in a DVD store, but can't always remember if it was a good review. I therefore have to rely on what's on the cover. I am then often disappointed by reviews that big up films that are pants, i.e. Shoot em up. I know, films are personal to everyone, but there you go, like I said, I just wanted to have a moan.

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The trick in this case is to look at where the review came from. 5 stars from every respectable film magazine, give it a go. 5 stars from some bloke in The News of the World, don't bother. There are always people who will give a 5 star review to a Uwe Boll film if they think it will get them on the poster/ dvd cover.

Welcome to the human race...
On this subject, I have to say the most memorable DVD cover review I've ever seen belongs to the one on the cover of American Psycho II...

"10/10!" --

Enough said.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Has anyone read the back of the 'National Lampoons: Gold Diggers'? It is so funny because it boasts about its horrible reviewa
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

.....doesn't know what to put here!
i read this review on the back of leslie nielsens stupid little golf video DVD cover:
If you buy one golf video this year, buy this one too - Reviewers name with held upon request. lol

It annoys me to no end when a horrible movie has good reviews gracing the cover.
MY Work!

The trick in this case is to look at where the review came from. 5 stars from every respectable film magazine, give it a go. 5 stars from some bloke in The News of the World, don't bother. There are always people who will give a 5 star review to a Uwe Boll film if they think it will get them on the poster/ dvd cover.

That's exactly it. They can pick whatever reviews they want... so naturally they all make it sound exactly how they want. If the review isn't by a reputable person, ignore it!