movie title question


i saw it when i was a kid and only remember faintly what happened. i know there were two military jets flying on like a training exercise and one crashed into a side of a mountain caused by like a bright light or something like that. the other pilot goes through the movie trying to figure out what happened and at the end climbs that mountain to find i think it was angel feathers or something like that all over the mountain. it was 80s or early 90s it came out. any ideas would be great. or i might just be mixing two movies together cause i honestly cant remember.

Yeah, there's no way in the world it's Fire in the Sky. That has no military jets, for starters, and is a bunch of loggers, or what have you, that clear out trees. They get off late that night, and see what appears to be a huge red glowing . . . maybe fire, etc . . . I forget what all they assume. They drive to it, the one guy gets out, etc, etc . . . It's an alien abduction movie, and nothing else.

yeah see i cant remember if there was aliens involved or what. but it was military i do remember that. unfortunately like i remember the wingman going to the other pilots house and telling his wife what happened, but thats any military movie really. like i know both of the pilots were blinded by the light and threw off all their instruments, but only the one crashed cause he was getting a closer look or something like that. thanks for the idea though

I don't know if you're thinking of the first episode of Taken or not, but it sounds like that. Except, it has nothing to do with angels.

no its older then that like 80s early 90s. like i said i am not 100% there where angels feathers, it was something like that. wish i could offer more help, but im stuck. thanks though