Looking for a 70s-80s Christ-movie (historical drama)


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Dear members,

this is the plot as it was told to me by my mom:

The Roman Empire is quite disturbed by the rise of Christianity in the East and sends an official (officer? investigator?) to have a look at what is going on and find the probable source.

The investigator arrives in Jerusalem (?) and starts digging around.

At the beginning he is absolutely sure in his power as well as the authority of the Roman Empire, but the more he speaks to the poorest people and gets to know them, how they live, the more compassion he develops towards them.

In the same time the poorest faithful people start to believe that this man is the Saviour (Prophet? Christ himself?) they believe in.

At the end of the movie the officer abandons all the titles and powers, given to him by the Empire, accept Christianity as his faith and disappears into the sunset with a group of faithful followers.

My mom has watched the movie in mid 90s, when I was just a kid.
The movie was shot in the 80s, may be in the 70s. And shot quite properly, thoughtfully and clever.

I do hope the community may help me.

Thanks in advance.

It's not Salome, is it?


All secrets are safe with this man, because none are as deadly to him as his own. His secret is that he is Richard Kimble. (The Fugitive - Conspiracy of Silence)