Trump vs Hillary Debate Thread


First time I have heard her say it. I'm sure someone will tell her that's not a great idea.
She's said it a number of times during this campaign. I guess it's one of the main arguments she uses to convince the far left part of her party to vote for her.
Not sure if it'll be very effective though, as those people are really hating her for how she treated Sanders in the primaries and of course because of her past. From their perspective, I think that's totally understandable.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Im not a politician. Or anything near one. But at one point of my life it was actually on the cards for me when i was younger 12/13 i seriously contemplated it. I love history always have and will. I remember my history teacher in secondary school was the most passionate teacher i have ever seen. He should have been a lecturer in Harvard or Yale. He promised us the first day we had him he would tell us only fact and both sides of the story and not influence our believes. We did too. He taught us about how america was founded . The wars and revolutions of all types . Its not a nice story at any point really and things they have done that changed the world. It was founded and lead by criminals , geniuses and heroes. Secret society's and decisions made in back rooms. Trump is playing off peoples fears and prejudices and seems to really have a plan for extreme changes in a radical way. Hilary isn't snow white ether but if Trump wins it the prophecy in the omen movies has come to life. If Hilary wins it she will have things turned upside so quick and make real changes . I know times like these America need to be on top form security wise and in every way possible. With wars and threats of nuclear missiles the world is in fear. But they also have a very big part in how the world has got in this state . If Hilary wins we will all be better off. If they do go to war with other power nations then leave trump do his thing while Hilary looks after home.

Post script..
If Lincoln , Teddy Roosevelt , Dr King Jr , Lyndon Johnson and Rosa Parks lived among us right now . He would have never got a look in . Those guys all deserve to be president of america or anywhere true heroes