saw this one the other day, and I gotta say - I am still a Jim Cavaziel uber-fan! Wasnt sure which direction they were going to take, as it really seemed like it could have come from any number of Sci-Fi novels (advanced humans crash land on planet still in earlier ages), but they did a good job without making the storyline to epic to enjoy.

something about it reminded me heavily of The 13th Warrior (another favorite), though in that flick, Antonio Banderas' character had only traveled to a new land/people ....on the same planet. But same idea though: cultural outsider assimilates into a seemingly primitive warrior caste.....oh wait, that was Dances With Wolves......and basically for reason of their own goes "over the wall."

What surprised me was my reaction to the ending - I wanted to other outcome. All in all, good flick.
something witty goes here......