Is Tim Burton an Auteur?


Hi, I'm doing a film studies project based on Tim Burton, the director of "Big Fish", "Planet of the Apes", "Sleepy Hollow", "Batman", "Beatle Juice" just to name a few. My aim is to research and justify whether Tim Burton is an autuer (a filmaker who exercises creative control over work and has a strong personal style.). Please feel free to give your own opinions. Thanks.

A novel adaptation.
While one could argue that he has a very specific and constant style that underlays most of his work, (on a personal note, a style that kind of grates on me) I certainly wouldn't include Nightmare on the list were I to argue that.
Apparently, the actual amount of work he did during the production of the film is questionable....
But to get back to the question, it'd probably be easier to argue that he's an auteur than to argue that he's not.
"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm."
--Winston Churchill

He's definitely an auteur, whether you like his films or not, although as he DID NOT direct The Nightmare Before Christmas [something that the majority of people continually – and stupidly – choose to overlook], I'm with Herod: don't discuss it.

Originally Posted by bellecosity
Hi, I'm doing a film studies project based on Tim Burton, the director of "Big Fish", "Planet of the Apes", "Sleepy Hollow", "Batman", "Beatle Juice" just to name a few. My aim is to research and justify whether Tim Burton is an autuer (a filmaker who exercises creative control over work and has a strong personal style.). Please feel free to give your own opinions. Thanks.
Hey Bellecosity!
I am doing the exact same project as you, and I also wanted to do Tim Burton!
I would personally think that, judging from the movies he has directed, he is an auteur, but i think I will have to do some more research!

you'll have to email me sometime to compare notes!