Seven DVD re-release


Seven starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman is being re-released on December 19. The main reason for the re-release is because the original DVD was a 'flipper' disc, a disc that needs to be flipped over to watch the remaining portion of the film. The new release is awesome and I can't wait till it hits nationwide. It will be a 2 DVD set in anamorphic letterbox with DTS 6.1 EX sound. Features include:
- Commentary with director, Pitt, and Freeman
- Commentary with director, New Line executives, producer, and film professors
- Commentary with director, sound mixer, and score composer
- Storyboards
- Deleted Scenes
- Alternate Endings
- Cast and crew bios
- Production photo gallery
- Extended scenes
- Breakdown of the Notebook
- Breakdown of the opening title sequence with different audio tracks and alternate angles

Look for other 'flipper' discs to be re-released to the royal treatment in the next 6 months. I'm still waiting for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves to be redone.
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Any idea what the alternate endings might be? I just love things like that - especially when it's for a movie with a killer ending like Seven!

At the meeting with New Line and Warner Brothers execs, they showed 4 endings, but refused to say which ones were for the DVD and which ones were created to throw people off the scent. There was one where Pitt didn't kill Spacey at the end. There was another where Freeman kills Spacey after seeing the head in the box. What stinks is that we don't know which endings were tested to audiences, so we don't know which one will be on the DVD. Good news is we only have to wait 3 more