TABOO, The Tom Hardy FX miniseries


Set in 1814, Taboo follows James Keziah Delaney, a man who has been to the ends of the earth and comes back irrevocably changed. Believed to be long dead, he returns home to London from Africa to inherit what is left of his father's shipping empire and rebuild a life for himself. But his father's legacy is a poisoned chalice, and with enemies lurking in every dark corner, James must navigate increasingly complex territories to avoid his own death sentence. Encircled by conspiracy, murder and betrayal, a dark family mystery unfolds in a combustible tale of love and treachery.

Taboo is created by Steven Knight with Tom Hardy and Chips Hardy, who is also the show’s consulting producer. Executive producers are Ridley Scott and Kate Crowe for Scott Free, Tom Hardy and Dean Baker for Hardy Son & Baker, and Steven Knight, with Timothy Bricknell producing. Taboo is directed by Kristoffer Nyholm (Eps. 1-4) and Anders Engström (Eps. 5-8), and reunites Hardy and Knight for their third collaboration following Locke and Peaky Blinders.

Taboo airs January 2017 and is produced by Scott Free London and Hardy Son & Baker for FX Networks.

Hell to the yeah Im gonna watch this!!

What sort of black magic you workin' with sam? I didn't see this available until tonight, but I'm set to record. The cast looks great, which includes the High Sparrow. Hardy and the gritty-grumble-mumble delivery is one of my favorite ways to listen to dialogue.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
What sort of black magic you workin' with sam? I didn't see this available until tonight, but I'm set to record. The cast looks great, which includes the High Sparrow. Hardy and the gritty-grumble-mumble delivery is one of my favorite ways to listen to dialogue.

The magic of the BBC, DD. Make sure you keep me posted on it will ya DD?

I'm on it brother. I'll get back to you Labor Day weekend when I finally get around to watching it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
just saw this thread for Taboo.
Watched the pilot here in the States on F/X. Very intense and this is just out the gates. Looking forward to where they take this.
I am definitely hooked.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
just saw this thread for Taboo.
Watched the pilot here in the States on F/X. Very intense and this is just out the gates. Looking forward to where they take this.
I am definitely hooked.

Good to hear ed. I think we're due the 3rd episode this weekend over here but I've series linked it so its all good. Looking forward to starting it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
looking forward to hearing what you think, samoan.
Just finished episode 2 with Hardy's character collecting a small team for the coming onslaughts. Really enjoying the cinematic work and how everything is merely hinted at. Definitely gets the curiosity a serious jab.

Just saw the first episode. Make sure to watch it in subtitles so you dont miss anything being said.

Good stuff. Very authentic, gothic, and spooky. I think the "mystery" is somewhat obvious, but hopefully I could be wrong, I wont state my guess in case Im right. There are only two actors I recognize, Tom Hardy & Jonathan Pryce. Whoever directed this should have directed Alan Moores In Hell, because unlike the Hughes Brothers they nailed how filthy, disgusting, and still somewhat medieval it was back then.

Im hooked.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I instantly recognized Stephen Graham, Franka Potente and Michael Kelly. Never seen her before, but, I'm already not a fan of Oona Chaplin. Aside from that, the series is off to an excellent start. Hardy is awesome.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Live life the way you want it
Tom Hardy will be awesome in this series!! Excited to watch it