God isn't real


Now With Moveable Parts
Ah well...so goes it. Wonder if he'll ever come back.

I win. And am far smarter than you. You eat poo.

Any more nonsense like that and I'll have to either ban you, or perhaps just delete the post in question. If that's all you have to contribute to this discussion, you should leave.

In case anyone wants to know, Tyler acted like a bigger a** than usual here, so I've banned him. His user title reflects this, and he's been denied all permission to the board. I also send him an email letting him know how truly sad it is that what started as an actual discussion degraded into a place for him to spew childish insults laced with curse words to somehow make up for the incredible, gaping holes in his arguments that he refused to address.

henry hill's Avatar
henry hill - Disclaimer: This disclaimer disclaims any claims that could be claimed from my post.

henry hill's Avatar
By acknowledging the notion of gods or rulers we have shackled ourselves to the burden of worship and so been lumped with two sole options: obedience (and if the will we obey is other than our own, this is only a polite word for slavery) or rebellion.

Activity or Passivity.

To obey a wiser, more powerful force is slavery? Hardly. I am no slave. At this very moment, if I choose to, I can renounce my religion and everything in it. I choose to follow it, because it is the correct path, but God will let me believe in what I want. Yes, worship is a burden in some ways...I rejoice in it at times, and sometimes I'd rather just sleep in on Sundays. The fact that I follow this in SPITE of the difficulties it presents ought to tell you something about it's validity.

henry hill's Avatar
Wow god has become such a distant concept.

My background is very religious (sister and parents)

I dabbled in religion, tried to be to please my parents... I guess it all boils down to personality and attitude and for some people they just cannot accept worship.

Or you could say some <ahem> people feel the world is such a disgusting place that they wouldn't thank anyone for being born/created.

Most people who rebel against God and accuse Him of being some sort of phantom designed to control people did indeed grow up in a religious background. Famous Atheists like Charles Darwin or Bertrand Russell were also raised as Christians...so it's hardly a surprise that you were as well. I think a lot of these people tend to associate God with their parents...who often restrict and punish them in the name of God (this is very much so in Darwin's case)...so, when they rebel against their parents, they rebel against the God they represent to them, too.

henry hill's Avatar
I really don't want to argue about religion because I respect religious people (I respect my family and their choices).

But it's the things that are stated in religion that I can't grasp, not the idea of a being who we should worship...

Originally posted by henry hill
Or you could say some <ahem> people feel the world is such a disgusting place that they wouldn't thank anyone for being born/created.
These are much the same statements that you made while supporting the use of drugs. Perhaps you should explore the causes of why you are so unhappy with life. Life is temporary, life is short and life is a journey. I would hate to see you waste your energy by sitting back and despising it when you could be figuring out what it would take to make it worthwhile for you. I believe we are all here for a purpose, regardless of whether or not we are aware of what it is. Life is for exploring yourself and learning about who you are. Negativity blocks the process and will make you all the more miserable.

I'm not preaching to you. Just a casual observer offering an opinion.... and you have asked, if I'm reading clearly

henry hill's Avatar
I'm not unhappy, I'm dissatisfied. Uhm. No hold on. I'm diagnosed with Seasonal affective disorder, it's winter, I get really down, I don’t even notice how low I am until I feel better (in the better weather) and notice what I’ve written. Starts off with insomnia, leads to immense frustration, constant aggression etc. etc. I actually end up spending half my summer apologising for winter behaviour - it's quite amusing.

Or you could say some <ahem> people feel the world is such a disgusting place that they wouldn't thank anyone for being born/created.
Well, the statement above as well as a few others indicate a condition that's beyond dis-satisfied. Unless you just throw stuff like this out there and I don't know it cause I don't know you well enough.

henry hill's Avatar
Well S.A.D is basically depression during winter, primarily december, january, february. Expect this the time to be when I talk paranoid ****e, excessive profanity, anxiety, extreme mood swings and constant sleeping problems and other general symptoms of depression. Also expect: Anti-social behaviour, going out of my way not to be with people then feel lonely and worthless by myself. The saddest thing is you don't even know you're doing it until a conversation like this one kicks in. pathetic or what.

It's all directly related to sleep, I was up till recent on temazepam which is great, but I've built up a tolerance to it and my GP is scared of me becoming addicted. Instead I now smoke weed to help me relax and sleep.

During the summer I tend to completely change, completely social hypersomniac, tend to lose weight (which I gain during the winter) etc.

oh yeah, this does happen every year...

henry hill's Avatar
No conversation is because I think drugs are good for me, they help me through, yet everyone is always talking about how bad drugs are so I came to find what others people's opinions are and to see whether they could accept another perspective that for some people they work...

So be it.
I'd be interested to see what happens in the end.

But of course, we'll leave that for the drugs thread.

Agnosticism rocks.
Everything is destined to reappear as simulation.
Jean Baudrillard
America, 1988