Animated Shorts Hall of Fame


Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Yay! got no. 8 right.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

6th Place: Captain Hareblower
Nominated By Clazor

(2x3rd, 1x5th, 1x6th, 2x8th, 1x12th, 1x13th)
78 Points

5th Place: StoryCorps - Danny & Annie
Nominated By Funny Face

(1x2nd, 2x4th, 1x8th, 3x9th, 1x12th)
79 Points

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Well, that's me done then. 13th and 6th...not bad. But I think my prediction just fell through.

4th Place: King-Size Canary
Nominated By JiraffeJustin

(2x1st, 1x2nd, 1x4th, 1x9th, 2x10th, 1x11th)
88 Points

3rd Place: The Cat Concerto
Nominated By Camo

(3x3rd, 3x5th, 1x9th, 1x10th)
93 Points

2nd Place: Hair-Raising Hare
Nominated By gbg

(1x1st, 2x2nd, 1x4th, 1x5th, 1x6th, 1x9th, 1x11th)
96 Points

1st Place: The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
Nominated By Camo

(2x1st, 2x2nd, 1x3rd, 1x6th, 1x7th, 1x12th)
102 Points

Was going to say "That's All Folks" but it put me into a deep depression that something so typical even crossed my mind . Thanks alot to everyone who took part, it was alot of fun . Congrats Camo if anyone deserved the win it was you. My List (i still have everyones list in case anyone doesn't has theirs anymore and wants me to send it to them or post it for them):

01.The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
(Possibly my favourite Animated thing ever, easy #1 for me)
02.King-Size Canary
(Liked it alot more than i remembered on a rewatch)
03.The Cat Concerto
(I had both of my noms in the positions they finished )
]04.Big House Bunny
(Underrated, hilarious short and Sam's pose i mentioned is one of my favourite Looney Tunes things ever)
05.Little Rural Riding Hood
06.Der Fuehrers Face
(These two could've switched, i like them about the same)
07.The Cobweb Hotel
08.Captain Hareblower
09.Hair-Raising Hare
10.A Tale of Two Kitties
(Same with these four, could'v had them in any positon)
11.Ballot Box Bunny
(I do like this but some of the jokes don't work for me)
12.Danny & Annie
(Again i did like this, it's just not something i can see myself watching again.)
13.Donald's Golf Game
14.Steven Universe
(Both of these i enjoyed just not to the level of all of the ones above them)
15.Transylvania 6-5000
16.The Monk & The Monkey
(The only two i don't like, 2/16 is not bad though)

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
crappers I missed the reveals!

oily well, CONGRATS Camo on #1 DEFINITELY deserved it and D@MN FINE JOB on running the HOF. That was ALL KINDS OF FUN!! THANK YOU!!
And of course, CONGRATS GBG on #2 position, also, VERY WELL DESERVED - niiiice
here's my list

#1 The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
#2 Hair-Raising Hare
(HEY, I got the top two correct -sweet!)
#3 A Tale of Two Kitties
#4 StoryCorps - Danny & Annie
(I just HAD to vote this in the top five due to the sentimentality of it - quite wonderful. Glad to see I wasn't alone in that)
#5 The Cat Concerto (Glad to see it hit #3 - very cool)
#6 Der Fuehrer's Face
#7 Little Rural Riding Hood
#8 Captain Hareblower
#9 King-size Canary
(This IS an old time favorite of Avery's of mine, so glad that it made it in at #4)
#10 Ballot Box Bunny
#11 Big House Bunny
#12 The Monk & The Monkey
#13 Transylvania 6-5000
#14 Donald's Golf Game
#15 Cobweb Hotel
#16 Steven Universe Season 4 Episode 6
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
gbg always misses these things because she usually isn't on until it is late where i am, so i'm going to wait to midnight here (it's 9.30 here) since i'm not doing anything tomorrow anyway. Need to add Nopes scores then double check everything, i know the winner though.

Hopefully some of you will be still around for the reveal.

I appreciate that you tried to wait for me, but I seem to be getting online later and later every night. And it's not helping that the new IMDB people talk so much that it's taking me longer and longer to catch up with all the threads every night. (But I guess that's a good thing. )
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
15th Place: The Monk & The Monkey
Nominated By tat

(1x4th, 1x9th, 1x10th, 1x12th, 1x15th, 3x16th)

38 Points

I'm surprised that The Monk & The Monkey placed so low. I loved this one. It's just a simple short, but it's a nice story with beautiful animation.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
9th Place: Transylvania 6-5000
Nominated by gbg

(1x1st, 1x3rd, 1x4th, 1x6th, 1x11th, 1x13th, 1x14th, 1x15th)
69 Points

It's kind of sad to see Transylvania 6-5000 place this low. I know that the animation isn't the best, but it's one of my all-time favorite Looney Tunes shorts.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
2nd Place: Hair-Raising Hare
Nominated By gbg

(1x1st, 2x2nd, 1x4th, 1x5th, 1x6th, 1x9th, 1x11th)
96 Points
Thanks for the votes for Hair-Raising Hare. I'm glad to see that most of you enjoyed at least one of my nominations in this HoF.

1st Place: The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
Nominated By Camo

(2x1st, 2x2nd, 1x3rd, 1x6th, 1x7th, 1x12th)
102 Points
I'm happy that The Great Piggy Bank Robbery won. It's a great short, and it deserved to win. There's just something about Daffy Duck that makes him so much fun. If I remember correctly, he won the Looney Tunes HoF too.

Congratulations Camo, and Thanks for doing a great job running this HoF.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This is my ranked list:

1) Transylvania 6-5000 (Chuck Jones, 1963)
2) Hair-Raising Hare (Chuck Jones, 1946)
3) The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (Bob Clampett, 1946)
4) "The Monk & The Monkey" from Brendan Carroll & Francesco Giroldini
5) Big House Bunny (Fritz Freleng, 1950)
6) Captain Hareblower (Fritz Freleng, 1954)
7) Ballot Box Bunny (Fritz Freleng, 1951)
8) StoryCorps - Danny & Annie
9) Der Fuehrer's Face (Jack Kinney, 1943)
10) The Cat Concerto (William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, 1947)
11) King-Size Canary (Tex Avery, 1947)
12) A Tale of Two Kitties (Bob Clampett, 1942)
13) Donald's Golf Game (Jack King, 1938)
14) Little Rural Riding Hood (Tex Avery, 1949)
15) Steven Universe Season 4 Episode 6 "Last One Out of Beach City"
16) Cobweb Hotel (Max Fleischer, 1936)

There's just something about Daffy Duck that makes him so much fun. If I remember correctly, he won the Looney Tunes HoF too.
Yep, the top two in the Looney Tunes HOF were Duck Amuck and Duck Dodgers both nominated by you. You finished second here too so clearly people like your taste in Looney Tunes .And thanks.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yep, the top two in the Looney Tunes HOF were Duck Amuck and Duck Dodgers both nominated by you. You finished second here too so clearly people like your taste in Looney Tunes .And thanks.

It's nice to know that they like my taste in something because they seem to hate my taste in movies and music.

Darn! I missed the reveal too! Great job and congrats to Camo!

Second HoF I've participated in and really enjoyed watching everyone's noms. So much fun starting a short and realizing I had already seen it as a kid.