Jeff, who lives at home

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Review contains spoilers

This movie had all the makings of being 5 stars if it stayed simple. With the name Jeff, who lives at home I expected a fun simple comedy. At first it was but then they had to make it more complicated. (Spoilers ahead) I think the whole saving the dad and daughters scene could have been cut out. Yes it was the most symbolic scene but it could've been taken out. Then the scene where the mother kisses her coworker was completely stupid. The directors probably just put that in to send a message and it didn't work, just made you pity them. Now I haven't said anything positive about this movie despite my positive rating. don't get me wrong there are a lot of great things about this film. The cast was great and I laughed plenty, this might sound stupid, but they should've made it a film with really no story.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I'd give it the same rating; it was cheesy and Ed Helms was completely miscast, while Jason Segel worked with what very little he was given. The Duplass brothers have gone downhill since they've transitioned into the whole 'indiewood' movement. Their films lack the same spark and unique personality that they once had.

From the sounds of it I though it would be better, maybe I will wait til it comes out of theaters.

Idk about it. Love Ed and Jay and felt they were great but nothing really happened in the film. Bland and uneventful I was expecting more