Harmony Korine (?)


YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
now do not get me wrong I love the guy I'd even let him spend the night if I had to...but all HIS movies have done so much in my way of writing in a positive light that i almost hate writing this,,,,,,
he is a freak.
he is a loony toon.
he makes me think of holden Calfeild....(?)
I heard of this movie a few years back that wasd about this:
Title: Fightharm......(Fight Harm)
this is a documentry style story about Harmony going around to tons of redneck bars and picking fight...(ya ya you say I've seen those bum fights on the net whats the big deal)
well the deal is....he has to get the other guy to throw the first punch and they have to be twice his size or bigger.....now I heard about this through people. and I didn't believe it do to the fact....who would care what kind of movie Harmony Korine makes. it gunbna be fudged anyway. why not let us watch himself get his head fudge started into next week. well Iwant to know why?
WHY? why ban this movie and not GUMMO I honestly can't watch that flick after three times it makes me ill. I love it but in a distant apreciation... I want to see FIGHTHARM... someone out here find it please....for drexal parks....you all know me by now...you friend. your trusted advisor....come on buddy I can change... buddyy.
"YoU'r bOdy iS A bOaT tO laY aSiDE wHEn yOU ReaCh tHE FaR sHOrE...OR sEll It, iF YoU cAn FiND A foOL.......ITS FULL OF HOLES."

It was beauty killed the beast.
Harmony Korine is a pretentious idiot, and Gummo is quite possibly the worst movie in history.

At any rate, the last Kong heard about FightHarm (or whatever it was called) was that Mr. Korine had to put a stop to the film, at least temporarily. Korine was arrested for assualt (as he should have been) for a number of the fights he was filming, and he could have faced serious jail time if he was arrested once more, so he decided to stop filming.

Another note, it wasn't just "rednecks", and people "twice his size" that he intended to start fights with. Korine wanted to start a fight with the widest possible demographic of people. So white, black, latino, Asian, American Indian, etc. Plus midgets, dwarves, the mentally handicapped, and on, and on.
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa

Originally Posted by Kong
Harmony Korine is a pretentious idiot, and Gummo is quite possibly the worst movie in history.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you, Kong.

Originally Posted by Kong
Another note, it wasn't just "rednecks", and people "twice his size" that he intended to start fights with. Korine wanted to start a fight with the widest possible demographic of people. So white, black, latino, Asian, American Indian, etc. Plus midgets, dwarves, the mentally handicapped, and on, and on.
Well, at least he's an equal opportunity kind of guy.

As well as being a complete f*cking freakshow.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
to KONG: well its good to know I was curiouse about the actual plot....I have not been able to find anything about it I am glad you have the scoop.

and about everything els.....what ever broshacks......
I am fan i can't help it....I njoy being scared and nothing scares me more than Mr. Korine. i have only ever heard stories about him about his interviews. I do not deny what you say and I agree with a lot of it...but Gummo is NOT one of the worst flickers. ..disturbing ya, tasteless okay.
but hey. theres DEMEGRAPHIC FOR EVERONE. and I just happen to fall into his.....I guess....it all started with kids Like I am sure it did with a lot of film fans......
but all opinons are valid.
thank you

I am having a nervous breakdance
The only "contact" I've had with Mr Korine is through Kids and Ken Park with him as scriptwriter, and Gummo as writer/director. I love both Kids and Gummo but Ken Park is nothing special.

I saw Gummo for the first and second time some years ago, probably just after it was released on video and then again some time later. So far, I've been the only one (besides Drexal and a film critic/author named Emmanuel Levy) who has liked it. I thought that maybe I had "matured" or something the last few years so I saw it again just the other week - and I still loved it. There are a few scenes of course that are silly and unnecessary but as a whole I think it is going to be considered a 90's classic in the future. It is to me allready.

This new one I haven't heard about at all. There's nothing about it on www.imdb.com.
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
I have never heard of Ken Park (please don't yell at me) but figure I should check it out regaurdless. but thank you piddzilla.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by drexal parks
I have never heard of Ken Park (please don't yell at me) but figure I should check it out regaurdless. but thank you piddzilla.
Sure, check it out. It is kind of.. eh.. special. You will probably look like this afterwards:

the only thing i've seen by him is julien donkey boy, which i liked, thought i dont think i was supposed to be as amused by it as i was. werner herzog is a one of a kind and some of his lines of dialogue, especially his bit about dirty harry were perfect. as for the movie itself -- i think the ideas behind it are fairly obnoxious but they seem to overlap with a lot of my aesthetic preferences. i actually found this movie very, very watchable and stylistically much less obnoxious and grating than most movies [no annoying soundtrack blasting, and totally hideous looking and inaccessible, which i found rewarding because the less i tried to watch and the more i just sat there absoribing it the more i think i got out of it.] really i think something like this is much funner to watch and less annoying than the majority of movies coming out, and not just talking about major hollywood releases either.
i am definitely interested in seeing gummo.

It was beauty killed the beast.
Originally Posted by Piddzilla
This new one I haven't heard about at all. There's nothing about it on http://www.imdb.com.
Kong only heard about it through a Korine interview that he read. Korine started on it a couple of years ago, and it will probably never get finished for the legal reasons that Kong mentioned. Kong's about to go see Intolerable Cruelty, but he'll look for a link to the interview when he gets back.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Kong
Kong only heard about it through a Korine interview that he read. Korine started on it a couple of years ago, and it will probably never get finished for the legal reasons that Kong mentioned. Kong's about to go see Intolerable Cruelty, but he'll look for a link to the interview when he gets back.
Thank you, banana-lover..

It was beauty killed the beast.
Here is the link to he interview that Kong read: http://www.projecta.net/harmony.html.

Here is the excerpt about "Fight Harm" if you don't feel like reading the whole interview:

"What about the two upcoming projects? There's one film you're working on with Gus van Sant.
That one's already halfway finished, but I don't know what's going to happen with that. I'm kind of disappointed with it. So I don't know what's going to happen with it. It was an idea, but I'm not sure if it'll necessarily work. But we'll see. It could work and it could be off soon. And the other project was Fight, the movie where I get into fights. With that one I was arrested three times and got bones broken. Because it's just me getting into fights with people, or starting fights. So I was hospitalised, both psychiatric and physical.

Over the past year, yeah. It was a really hard thing, because it was really extreme, this whole getting into fights with people. Also I was put in jail a bit of time, because when you're arrested three times, you have to serve a prison sentence. I had to pay lots and lots of money in court fines. So I don't know if I'll be able to finish that movie.

Because I wanted to make a ninety minute feature which just consisted of me in the most brutal interactions possible. Fighting every demographic of person. And I got to six or seven, but I was injured in lots of different ways. So I had to be hospitalised. So I don't know how it's going to work out. Maybe in a few years I'll show it in a museum, after I put it together. I don't think I'll be able make it into a feature if I want to survive.

How many days did you stay in prison?
Two and a half months."

Kong will give the guy credit for being willing to go to jail for his "art", but that's about as far as Kong's respect for the guy goes. (That is, of course, if he isn't lying about it; Kong tends to take these things with a grain of salt.)

YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
yes kong thank you .

Shake well before opening.
well i haven't seen any of harmony's movies but i owe drexal a post so yea. uhhhhh i totally agree with kong.....?...... maybe?

Hey, I think I said I liked Julien Donkey Boy (and not just in an ironic "oh it's so weird and ugly" way). Still haven't seen Gummo tho'.

I haven't seen it yet but I heard that Harmony Korine is in Gus Van Sant's "'Last Days." The movie is based on Kurt Cobain. It is coming to DVD in a couple days woooooohoooo!!!