The Modern Spoof/Why I Hate Kung Fury


Welcome to the human race...
Zotis, why do you think Mad Max: Fury Road has an 8.2 rating on IMDb?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Welcome to the human race...
A glorified viral video I think is pretty acurate, everything else you said was absurd gibberish. Most of your criticisms are just extreme prejudice and double standards, not to mention your imaginative assumption about it's target audience, which was way off and probably psychological projection.
You asked. I'm not sure I could even give you a satisfactory answer since your question practically demanded that I make some conjecture, which is why I prefaced my response with "it doesn't matter what I think". It was a trap.

You don't think IMDB has unreasonable/knee jerk reaction ratings? Was Kung Fury not aimed at a 80's kitsch audience?
Not sure if this is aimed at me or Zotis.

I don't think Kung Fury can be merely reduced to kitsch status, even if it does have that element. I also think that Iro missed the point in regards to the IMDB rating.
If you take away the kitsch, then what's left?

In this thread, and Iro's review, I see too many assumptions passed off as facts, and too much subjectivivity passed off as objectivity.
I never said I was being objective. That's an assumption on your part.

I also see a lack of honesty when Kung Fury is criticised for things that movies it's critics praise can also be criticised for.
You can be the tastiest peach in the world and there will still be people who hate peaches.

I'm not saying that people here don't have valid criticisms, but I also don't get the impression that those criticisms are the real reasons for the low rating. If it really is as bad as Iro says it is, then I think sites like IMDB would probably reflect that a little bit more. Less than 1% of the IMDB ratings were negative. I think that says something that Iro isn't willing to admit to himself.
Exactly why can't they be the real reasons? They're my reasons. Besides, I'm not sure why you're putting so much stock in IMDb as a barometer of a film's inherent worth. The whole thing feels like an appeal to popularity and the fact that your counter to me saying I don't like a film is "but look at all these other people who do like it" is, well, absurd. Also, I don't know where you're getting your "less than 1%" figures because, if the voting breakdown is to be believed, then 1.2% of people gave it a 1/10 rating, and that's not counting the other votes that are under 6/10.

Because it appeals to many people's taste.

It's not like I would give Fury Road a 0.5 rating.
A, that's a boring (if technically correct) answer. B, it's not like other people wouldn't.

You asked. I'm not sure I could even give you a satisfactory answer since your question practically demanded that I make some conjecture, which is why I prefaced my response with "it doesn't matter what I think". It was a trap.

Not sure if this is aimed at me or Zotis.

If you take away the kitsch, then what's left?

I never said I was being objective. That's an assumption on your part.

You can be the tastiest peach in the world and there will still be people who hate peaches.

Exactly why can't they be the real reasons? They're my reasons. Besides, I'm not sure why you're putting so much stock in IMDb as a barometer of a film's inherent worth. The whole thing feels like an appeal to popularity and the fact that your counter to me saying I don't like a film is "but look at all these other people who do like it" is, well, absurd. Also, I don't know where you're getting your "less than 1%" figures because, if the voting breakdown is to be believed, then 1.2% of people gave it a 1/10 rating, and that's not counting the other votes that are under 6/10.

A, that's a boring (if technically correct) answer. B, it's not like other people wouldn't.
If there are some comments that you really want me to address then please just let me know. I really don't want to spend an hour on this post right now. I'm just going to try to get at the heart of the issue.

I think that you went out of your way to find faults in the movie because you disliked it so much. Many of your comments show that you don't understand the opposition, but you insist that you do. Since you criticise it for things that many movies you do like can also be criticised for it shows that it's in fact something else that you're probably not even aware of that is influencing your taste more than the reasons you give. So you probably just aren't even aware of it. The main issue is your wording. When you word things in a matter-of-fact way it implies that you think you know, but you should be making your assements in a more subjective way. And you need a larger margin for error, because you really don't know as much as you think you know. And you don't know what you don't know. That's just common sense. If you did know then you'd be able to explain it, but instead you rely on colorful adjectives that don't really actually have concrete weight to them. So your criticisms sound good, but they're superficial.

I made a mistake with the percentages, but that doesn't impact the point I was making. Only 3.6% gave it a negative rating and that doesn't support your criticisms.

I didn't assume that you were being objective. I know you were being very subjective. But you worded your criticisms in matter-of-fact ways, and that implies objectivity. Facts are objective after all. You should have talked more about your personal feelings and taste, and less about how the things you didn't like make the movie bad, because they don't necessarily.