Movie help! please!


i saw this movie recently, it was about this guy in college who works in a girl's dorm and during a poweroutage, he has sex with a girl in the dark in the stopped elevator. he spends the whole year trying to find the girl who he did, but ends up falling for a girl he has sex wih for practice. it's really funny and in it a guy's tongue gets bitten off. please help! thanks!

i've seen it, i think it might be 100 girls, i'm not sure though, they show it on hbo a lot. i actually thought it was a stupid movie, but whatever floats your boat besides water.
you can call me brain

Definately 100 Girls. I didn't care for it either, but I didn't hate it. Some funny parts.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.