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I have huge piles of films to watch and just pick one out, and this 2009 SF film was a lucky find.
A large ARK ship heads to the stars as Earth blows up.
Members of the crew are reanimated by rota from suspended animation to run the ship but they find weird and deadly mutants have taken over much of the ship and have to battle them.
A few big surprises near the end that I never saw coming.
The film did not do well at the box office, maybe due to the strange title but is definitely worth watching.
All secrets are safe with this man, because none are as deadly to him as his own. His secret is that he is Richard Kimble. (The Fugitive - Conspiracy of Silence)

This is a counterpoint to Passengers. Long journey between the stars on a great ship. No hope of return. Uncertain prospects at the destination. Ship in mechanical trouble. All will be lost if the mystery of her ailment is not resolved.