I Bought a "Movie Lot" (120 Mystery Movies)


This is one I may watch (so not all hope is lost), but I am rarely interested in biblical stories, etc.
Believe it or not it doesn't really lean into the biblical aspects. Insofar as outright proselytizing. It does delve into the centuries old conflicts involving the disputed city of Jerusalem but I thought the script did a fine job of humanizing it. Yes it's Christianity and Islam, but reason does win out in the end. That doesn't exactly sound historically accurate but it's mostly certainly an entertaining movie.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Believe it or not it doesn't really lean into the biblical aspects. Insofar as outright proselytizing. It does delve into the centuries old conflicts involving the disputed city of Jerusalem but I thought the script did a fine job of humanizing it. Yes it's Christianity and Islam, but reason does win out in the end. That doesn't exactly sound historically accurate but it's mostly certainly an entertaining movie.
That makes me hopeful.

Glad you are enjoying your movies.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
As of now, I have since watched ...

1.) Transformers
2.) Don't Mess with the Zohan
3.) 50 First Dates
4.) Road Trip
5.) 27 Dresses
6.) Sweet Home Alabama
7.) The Dead Center

This obviously isn't counting the films from the list that I had already seen over the years, but, rather, only the films I have watched specifically since buying the lot.

I still haven't even dipped my toes in the ones I'm most interested in (hard to find the time), but I am at least starting to make a small dent.


The Dead Center was likely among the films I was most looking forward to. It isn't because I expected the film to be good necessarily, but because I had never heard of it and it looked "different," that said, I didn't care for it.

Wait, these were all in the movie lot?!

EDIT: Oh, yeah! They're all on the list you posted.

Yeesh, hurry up and watch Cellular and give it a
so I can yell at you about why it's actually brilliant(ish).

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Wait, these were all in the movie lot?!

EDIT: Oh, yeah! They're all on the list you posted.

Yeesh, hurry up and watch Cellular and give it a
so I can yell at you about why it's actually brilliant(ish).
Yeah, all in the movie lot. I am scared to buy another one because of the likelihood of more and more duplicates. This lot alone brought me multiple copies of each Lord of the Rings movie (which I already owned a box set for). Haha.

There are so many movies from this collection I am interested in but haven't found the time to watch.

It can be fun watching romantic-comedies with my wife (even though I don't particularly like them), because I have an encyclopedic knowledge of actors that is limited to mostly what they did in horror. So, it blows my mind a bit when I see an actor in something different.

It can be fun watching romantic-comedies with my wife (even though I don't particularly like them), because I have an encyclopedic knowledge of actors that is limited to mostly what they did in horror. So, it blows my mind a bit when I see an actor in something different.
LOL. I hear you. It's like "I'm Josh Hartnett and I'm a worker at an office!" and I'm like "Pffft! Excuse me, but you are either fighting aliens, fighting vampires, or living your best life as a bisexual werewolf."

you haven't watched.. DIE HARD? Also, Rush Hour 2 is a classic (and has Jackie Chan in it) so you're missing out. Also, Are We There Yet is pretty good.. if you like idiotic young morons

Myself I have The Missing and Last of the Mohicians and both were good movies imo.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I have since watched The Weatherman (8), so that is the kind of speed I am working with here, haha.

The Weatherman was pretty good though. I would recommend it.