10 Years Ago: Your Movie Memories of 2007?


Miss Vicky should see that Year of the Dog movie I liked then. From what I remember of it, I think she could relate to it. It's about a vet secretary who becomes overboard with saving the lives of dogs after hers dies. Peter Sarsgaard is in it.

Miss Vicky should see that Year of the Dog movie I liked then. From what I remember of it, I think she could relate to it. It's about a vet secretary who becomes overboard with saving the lives of dogs after hers dies. Peter Sarsgaard is in it.
I have seen it, but not until several years after it was released which is why I didn't include it.

I hated it.

I have seen it, but not until several years after it was released which is why I didn't include it.

I hated it.
*nods* It's live action.

*nods* It's live action.
No. I love Peter Sarsgaard and wanted to like it, but both central characters were irresponsible morons and I hated them and the movie. And your memory of what happened in the movie is flawed.

WARNING: "Year of the Dog" spoilers below
Molly Shannon's character lets her dog out one night and the dog goes into a neighbor's yard and eats snail bait. She finds him and rushes him to the vet, but it was too late. She blames the dog's death on her neighbor, even though it was her fault the dog got into the poison. If I recall correctly, she even later plans to kill her neighbor for revenge or else plans on doing something horrible to him, my memory's a little hazy on that point.

Sarsgaard's character is an employee of the vet's office where she takes her dog. Later he calls her and tells her he has a dog that needs a home. So he places an AGGRESSIVE German Shepherd with someone who has no experience with large dogs (and placing any aggressive animal in a home is a HUGE liability.) The dog bites her multiple times, but she persists in keeping it and trying to work with it, despite having no idea what the hell she's doing.

Then later the German Shepherd ends up killing one of Sarsgaard's character's dogs so he takes it to the shelter to be put down without her knowledge. Shannon's character finds out and rushes to the shelter but arrives too late and the dog is already dead. So she adopts as many dogs as she can from the shelter and takes them home, only to end up having them taken away and put to sleep when she realizes she can't deal with them.

Stupid, stupid, irritating, crap.

I remember it being hysterical. But I have not seen it in, I guess, 10 years or so.

The thing that scares me is that many of the 2007 movies seem "recent", as in just a few years ago but it's been 10 ****ing years, anyone else feel like that?

Like say in 2001 for example, Lord of the Rings came out and a big movie from 10 years prior say Terminator 2 (91) seemed like it was ages and ages ago, nowadays it's like whhhaatttt that was 10 years ago.

I get reminded of big news stories thinking that was a couple of years ago and it was 2011.
I know exactly what you're talking about. The 90s seem like forever ago while the late 2000s seem like yesterday, and many movies from '07 look like they could've been made today.

Also forgot to add seeing Transformers with my friends over the summer, I distinctly remember going to Burger King after and talking about how hot Megan Fox was in it.

I didn't see No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood til well after '07 but I think both are amazing. I do lean more towards No Country though, but I do need to re-watch TWBB.

I was 14. I remember for some reason i went out of my way to see the Best Picture Nominees before the Oscars but some of those may have been in early 2008. Either way There Will Be Blood became one of my favourite film it still is and i didn't like No Country still don't. Also really liked Juno until i rewatched it about two years later. My top ten was probably:

01.There Will Be Blood
03.Knocked Up
04.I Am Legend
06.The Simpsons Movie
07.Blades of Glory
08.The Bucket List
10.Spider Man 3.

Don't like most of those anymore.

Best flick of 2007.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I went to see Zodiac with a big group of people, some of them pseudo-movie buffs. After the movie, we all went somewhere to talk about it - I was the only one who really liked it. Everyone else said they were bored and falling asleep.

No Country for old men
There will be blood
Hot Fuzz
1. There Will Be Blood
2. Pan's Labyrinth
3. Shooter
But did you all actually see those movies in 2007? That's the real question.

Legend in my own mind
But did you all actually see those movies in 2007? That's the real question.
It's a yes from me
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Think my current top ten would be:

01.There Will Be Blood
03.Shotgun Stories
05.Trick R Treat
06.Encounters At The End of the World
07.King of Kong
09.Taxi To The Dark Side
10.Boy A

Damn, four documentaries.

Juno, Zodiac, Atonement, Eastern Promises, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, Gone Baby Gone, Bridge to Terabithia, Control
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

My Top 10 Favorite Movie of 2007

  1. Hot Fuzz (2007)
  2. Ratatouille (2007)
  3. No Country for Old Men (2007)
  4. The Brave One (2007)
  5. Eastern Promises (2007)
  6. Disturbia (2007)
  7. Boy A (2007)
  8. Paranormal Activity (2007)
  9. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
  10. Superbad (2007)

I watched "Ratatouille" & "The Brave One" in cinema. I wasn't impressed by "No Country for Old Men" 10 years ago. "Paranormal Activity" was on repeat on my laptop around 2009.

This might just do nobody any good.
S**t, was Paranormal Activity 2007? I thought for sure it was 2010.

It's happening to me too!

But did you all actually see those movies in 2007? That's the real question.
I can't recall what I watched last week.

2007, so I was 13 for most of the year. I wasn't into movies as much as I am now in 2007, 2008 was really the year I started to appreciate them a lot more. But, I had a lot of good memories. I remember seeing The Simpsons Movie opening night, being a hardcore fan as a teenager. I wore a Simpsons shirt, pajama pants, and slippers that resembled Homer's face. I remember the ticket guy saying something like "let me guess, the new Harry Potter movie?" I was rolling. I saw it with like 10+ friends, I don't think I've seen a more crowded movie theater, it was beautiful. I remember my friends and I were going to sneak into Walk Hard, but we ended up sneaking into Sweeney Todd instead, which was great, since I was really into Nightmare Before Christmas at the time, and Burton was starting to become a big name to me. I remember seeing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I got bored of quickly, so I walked out of the theater, and saw Ratatouille instead, a decision I stand with to this day! I'm not sure if I saw Juno in 2007, or 2008, but I did see it during it's theatrical run, and I loved the hell out of it.