What about Halloween?


Well,it's this Sunday.So I was wondering what you're going to do to celebrate.

I'm going to dress as Michael Myers and scare whoever walks by.Funny thing, all I have to do is take one step torward them and they freak out. It's so funny

I was gonna go Dr. Evil- but im too low on $$$.

So tomorrow im going to the Savers Thrift store with a couple of buddies, and we're going to put together some costumes, but we cant spend more than 10 bucks. Its gonna be interesting...

I'm Australian, and even thou I've done the dressing up thing on Hallow'en which was a long while ago, I actually disregard the idea and dislike that fact children here in Australia DO the dressing up thing!

Halloween is no an Australian Tradition, it is that of the USA! Fact is only a small group of people do go through the trick or treat motions, when they turn up on our door, we only have the muesli bars no one eats to give them!

The looks on their faces is A-mues-ing!!! Mwahahahaha.... (please disregard that unfunny joke and should not have written it, but as you can see I'm keeping it on anyway)
The nature of Monkey was irrepresible. The nature of Movie_Monkey is Absolute!

I'm dressing up like a cop….
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
I'm dressing up like a cop….
Post a pic
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Vampire
Well,it's this Sunday.So I was wondering what you're going to do to celebrate.

I'm going to dress as Michael Myers and scare whoever walks by.Funny thing, all I have to do is take one step torward them and they freak out. It's so funny
same here

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Originally Posted by movie_monkey
I'm Australian, and even thou I've done the dressing up thing on Hallow'en which was a long while ago, I actually disregard the idea and dislike that fact children here in Australia DO the dressing up thing!

Halloween is no an Australian Tradition, it is that of the USA! Fact is only a small group of people do go through the trick or treat motions, when they turn up on our door, we only have the muesli bars no one eats to give them!

The looks on their faces is A-mues-ing!!! Mwahahahaha.... (please disregard that unfunny joke and should not have written it, but as you can see I'm keeping it on anyway)
I thought it originated in the U.K, to celebrate the burning of Guy Fawks(or something along those lines), was it not???
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Originally Posted by Animal_Mother
I thought it originated in the U.K, to celebrate the burning of Guy Fawks(or something along those lines), was it not???
Either originated in UK or USA, it has nothing to do with the people of AUS. My sister has been saying that I'm to dress up as a Vampire with a plastic cape and rather small false teeth, I don't want to, but i don't want to upset her...I'll just hope she forgets...

halloween originated with the whole sam hein thing, where people would dress up to ward off spirits, and sprites would visit houses, and if you gave them a gift they wouldn't get all pissed and curse your family or something along those lines

As I sit here in my squeaky chair, staring at the large cornucopia of chocolate in front of me, I wonder if there is some benefit from having miniture candies. Other than the obvious reasons, like less cavities, less expensive and more friendly towards dieters; is there any other benefit to these bite sized morsels? Do the companies somehow profit in someother way other than the fact that it is Halloween? There are so many downsides to the aforesaid benefits that there has to be an obscure ulterior motive.

After thinking about this for a few minutes, and after a trip to the bathroom where I noticed that my mother had bought new toothbrushes, I came to the conclusion that miniture candies in no way prevent cavities or any eventual toothaches. That is just some housewives tale, a fancy excuse for the dentist, who in a few weeks will be swamped by patients who didn't know where to stop. In fact the miniture candies are like the silent but deadly farts we're subject to during Monday night football, un-suspecting foil packages packed with an explosive taste that can cause eventual, if not immediate addiction. One after another, these persistent miniture candies will whisper in crackling glory, tempting you to to grab one, and then once more, grab another. Their power is in numbers. While a regular candy bar is soon gone, these deadly pocket-sized treats will lay in a subterfuge of formation, innoccently piled together in a bottemless plastic pumpkin.

Contrary to Christmas or Valentines day where you can put aside the commercialism and state that the holiday is really about giving and love: Halloween has no deeper meaning, other than the spirit of creatively scaring your older sister. The large bags of diminutive candies only serve as snares for corporate candy-stuffing execs to snatch the unsuspecting buyer. The enormous amounts of candy are advertised to appear cheaper than they really are. Unless your a stingy candy giver, your going to have to give out at least two or three as to not risk being egged later. Factoring the amount of traffic your house recieves is the key thing, your going to have to buy several bags of minute candies in order to keep your house safe. So not only do eventually get addicted, you barely save money.

Not that I am dieting or anything, but miniture candies are the dieters devil. They act so innoccent, convincing you that just having one won't hurt you. It is in that very moment in which your fingers give in and take that small tiny choclate that your fate is sealed. These tiny sweets do the same thing that any diet soft drink does. The apparent lack of taste mocks your tongue, forcing you to go on a eating quest to fufill your need for the missing flavor. That one abberation to your dieting regime will be your first temptation, and this time their won't be a last. The snatches of caramel, nuts, nougut and chocolate will leave your senses begging for more, and so you grab just one more. Your inner candyholic tells you 'More, more, more' and your mind will rationalize by the comforting knowledge that the wrapping doesn't even have a nutritional guide. Before you know it, the bag is gone.

What is the reason behind these small traces of sweetness? Its addicting yes, but why? I would suggest to try one for yourself, but no I am too kind and risked it for you. As I un-wrap the tiny snickers candy, my hand trembles, but not from anticipation, from teh cold, I go to shut the door. Coming back, each step is filled with trepid, un-masked fear. I seize it and quickly strip it of its blinding foil. Before I pop it into my mouth though, I hesitate and slowly take a bite. Immediately I am entranced by the bitterness of the peanuts and the sticky smooth caramel. the thin layer of chocolate covering adds to the concoction, and in that brief moment of euphoria I am hooked. I reach for another, and quickly gobble it up, regardless of what I was taught when I was a child and my babysitter would read aloud Miss Manners. Soon a pile of torn wrappers lies by my keyboard and the the mouse is sticky due to messy hands. Still I grab another, and another, and another. . .
I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.
T.S Eliot, "Preludes"

Lets put a smile on that block
Of all the horrors of the night and gouls of All Hallows Eve, nothing makes me shivver more than Allthatglitters post above me.....

Dont worry dear, weve all awoke one time in our lives on the morning after a chocolate binge. Bellys swollen, dozens of chocolate wrappers blinding your eyes, broken glass, fridge door ripped off, family lying dead on the floor....ahh the memories.

I went out for Halloween dressed as my Avatar. Its Pappa Lazarou! Wife stealer extraordinaire from BBC's superb comedy "The League of Gentlemen". Anyone seen it? Its genius. I won £50 prize for best dressed last night! To be fair when i went to collect my money i was so drunk i think i was dribbling and my face makeup was so smudged i looked more like a minstrel than scary wife stealer.

Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Originally Posted by allthatglitters
As I sit here in my squeaky chair, staring at the large cornucopia of chocolate in front of me, I wonder if there is some benefit from having miniture candies. Other than the obvious reasons, like less cavities, less expensive and more friendly towards dieters; is there any other benefit to these bite sized morsels? Do the companies somehow profit in someother way other than the fact that it is Halloween? There are so many downsides to the aforesaid benefits that there has to be an obscure ulterior motive.

After thinking about this for a few minutes, and after a trip to the bathroom where I noticed that my mother had bought new toothbrushes, I came to the conclusion that miniture candies in no way prevent cavities or any eventual toothaches. That is just some housewives tale, a fancy excuse for the dentist, who in a few weeks will be swamped by patients who didn't know where to stop. In fact the miniture candies are like the silent but deadly farts we're subject to during Monday night football, un-suspecting foil packages packed with an explosive taste that can cause eventual, if not immediate addiction. One after another, these persistent miniture candies will whisper in crackling glory, tempting you to to grab one, and then once more, grab another. Their power is in numbers. While a regular candy bar is soon gone, these deadly pocket-sized treats will lay in a subterfuge of formation, innoccently piled together in a bottemless plastic pumpkin.

Contrary to Christmas or Valentines day where you can put aside the commercialism and state that the holiday is really about giving and love: Halloween has no deeper meaning, other than the spirit of creatively scaring your older sister. The large bags of diminutive candies only serve as snares for corporate candy-stuffing execs to snatch the unsuspecting buyer. The enormous amounts of candy are advertised to appear cheaper than they really are. Unless your a stingy candy giver, your going to have to give out at least two or three as to not risk being egged later. Factoring the amount of traffic your house recieves is the key thing, your going to have to buy several bags of minute candies in order to keep your house safe. So not only do eventually get addicted, you barely save money.

Not that I am dieting or anything, but miniture candies are the dieters devil. They act so innoccent, convincing you that just having one won't hurt you. It is in that very moment in which your fingers give in and take that small tiny choclate that your fate is sealed. These tiny sweets do the same thing that any diet soft drink does. The apparent lack of taste mocks your tongue, forcing you to go on a eating quest to fufill your need for the missing flavor. That one abberation to your dieting regime will be your first temptation, and this time their won't be a last. The snatches of caramel, nuts, nougut and chocolate will leave your senses begging for more, and so you grab just one more. Your inner candyholic tells you 'More, more, more' and your mind will rationalize by the comforting knowledge that the wrapping doesn't even have a nutritional guide. Before you know it, the bag is gone.

What is the reason behind these small traces of sweetness? Its addicting yes, but why? I would suggest to try one for yourself, but no I am too kind and risked it for you. As I un-wrap the tiny snickers candy, my hand trembles, but not from anticipation, from teh cold, I go to shut the door. Coming back, each step is filled with trepid, un-masked fear. I seize it and quickly strip it of its blinding foil. Before I pop it into my mouth though, I hesitate and slowly take a bite. Immediately I am entranced by the bitterness of the peanuts and the sticky smooth caramel. the thin layer of chocolate covering adds to the concoction, and in that brief moment of euphoria I am hooked. I reach for another, and quickly gobble it up, regardless of what I was taught when I was a child and my babysitter would read aloud Miss Manners. Soon a pile of torn wrappers lies by my keyboard and the the mouse is sticky due to messy hands. Still I grab another, and another, and another. . .

That is so true.....