David Fincher info please


Hey I'm currently studdying film at college and I need togather together a catalogie of information on David Fincher for my presentation project. I have searched around the internet, libraries, etc I need more info can anybody help?

Any useful web sites (I couldn't find any) or anything else i.e. contact details...

Please help if you can

In Tyler We Trust

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
for a beginning, since i'm sure you already looked for everything *directly* Fincher-esque on the Net, i'd go to Chuck Palahniuk's official website:
enter > index
and then to Movies > David Fincher tribute which leads you to
that may give you some info you didn't get somewhere else,
plus you've got a nice list of links to Fincher-stuff!
good luck!
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

thanx thats jus what i needed any more info from anyone would be greatly appreciated
