Worst movie of the year?


Tyler isn't here! Tyler went away! Tyler's gone!
I would also single out Sausage Party as the worst 2016 movie I've seen so far. Can't stand it when parodies end up being just as inane as the movies they're riffing on.
Awful film.

I think The Forest might be the worst film I've seen this year. The biggest disappointment could be The Hateful Eight or Suicide Squad.
Suicide squad and the hateful 8 were definitely the biggest disappointments.

I havent seen many films from 2016. Imo a weaker year for film quality compared to 2015.

I saw the trailer for sausage party, laughed at the Saving Private Ryan reference but never actually saw it, glad I didn't tbh after hearing everybody rag on it.

The worst movie I saw this year has to go to...*cries* Independence Day Resurgence

When people rate
on here they are usually saying "it was alright". When I rate 3 it means I didn't like it I should probably change the way I rate movies because most people saw my 3/5 and were like "what are you crazy how did you like it?". It sucks because as you can probably tell from my top 10 list I was really looking forward to this movie, but it was nowhere near as good and a massive disappointment. I disliked it even more on a rewatch as well. I usually save 2/5 and 1/5 ratings for movies I couldn't even finish watching. I finished watching ID2, but it was very underwhelming and had an array of problems.

I really hope Jurassic World 2 is good because my favorite movies from my childhood are coming back to either be okay films or garbage. I want something GREAT.

I'd probably also include some of the dumb comedies this year like Zoolander 2, Dirty Grandpa, or Brother's Grimsby but I'd be lying because I didn't watch any of them because they looked pretty boring & unfunny.

Registered User
Lots of rubbish this year and I even skipped most of them (Alice, TNMT 2)

Ghostbusters easily the worst, and one of the greatest atrocities in film history. Also, without the fun of something like Batman & Robin.
Blair Witch, a total waste of time.
Independence Day 2. Makes the turgid original look like Citizen Kane.

Welcome to the human race...
Also, if we're going to eliminate "films that obviously looked awful" from the running then I have to go with Tale of Tales. Mark Kermode had that on his mid-year best-of list and it did look promising but good God did it turn out to be a drab-looking chore of a film.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

10 Worst Movies of 2016 (of the ones I've seen so far)

1. X-Men: Apocalypse (Couldn't care less about their superpowers and mind battles)
2. The Huntsman: Winter's War (I had difficulty following the storyline. Too chaotic, I guess. Rewatch could potentially improve my opinion, but I'm not going to)
3. Midnight Special (Too straight forward)
4. Morgan (Whatever)
5. The Wailing (Some interesting stuff, but drags on forever beyond the point of my caring of what happens or why)
6. Zoolander 2 (too few good jokes)
7. Deadpool (self referential humor, in other words- not funny)
8. Nerve (big disappointment)
9. Bad Moms (too few good jokes)
10. Ordinary World (not bad, just ordinary)

_____ is the most important thing in my life…
Nice to see Midnight Special on Tugg's list. For all the praise it gets along with Nichols, I was just left waiting. Good performances and camerawork with a bad story still makes a lackluster showing.

Now that I have thought about it, Suicide Squad was probably the worst movie of this past year. I didn't hate it, but it was not good.
It was also the number one in what g-m-g the most, too dark.

I thought it was just me, but Rogue One suffered from the same thing until they went to that glorious beach. Nice and bright and you can see everything. I just keep thinking of the Killer Croc underwater scene.

I try to avoid most of the obvious dreck, so American Honey and Special Correspondents (both 3/10) were the worst I saw, but the ~25 minutes of Suicide Squad I saw was considerably worse than either, seemingly abysmal in every respect.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'd have to say sausage party and I only saw the trailer. Close second goes to suicide squad and I don't think I even lasted 30 minutes.