The official "I Hate Anime!!!" and "I Hate Fan Fiction!!!" Thread


I just know they're coming to kill me.
Yes, I very well did. And yes, I did to choose to ignore it because I felt that my reasoning for my American views and sexual references were on their way to becoming off topic, and that's the last thing I want in this thread, that's all. Sorry for the confusion, my apologies.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
How is a reason for hating anime off topic in an "I Hate Anime!!!" thread? Am I missing something here...

Maybe I'm kicking a dead horse here and this whole thread was never intended as a medium of civil discourse as to why you hate something and is just a thread of unopposable opinions...
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I just know they're coming to kill me.
Hmm... maybe. I kinda lost myself halfway into this thing, so whatever the reason, yeah we'll go with yours. As I said, sorry for confusion. I just wanted to bring in the "I Hate Fan Fiction!!!" aspect of it all now. Don't worry, we'll get back to anime later.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Alright, let's take a vote then (I feel stupid saying this): Who here wants to continue this new debate on anime with what new information we have or should we take a change and debate fan fiction?

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I really don't care either way, it just seemed to me like you were ignoring an issue you infact brought up with the reasoning that it wasn't on topic, you wanna talk about fan fiction, thats fine...some people can do two things at once though. But like I said, whatever.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Alright, let's end the confusion right now. OG-, you're right, I'm wrong. We'll continue the anime debate. Read what I posted above, ignore the entire "Made in Asia" crap (I wrote that late at night, and I was tired.) But do read what I said on what effects anime has had on kids and porn. I think this'll spur up some good debates. OR if you want to do two things at once, that's cool too, but just keep in mind, we're still mainly debating anime. Sorry for the mass confusion. All my fault.

Arresting your development
Now what the hell is wrong with anime porn?
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Anime porn in general, nothing. There's porn everywhere- it's inevitable. But I feel that some anime on TV makes younger audiences look at some chick, then go and try and find her naked on the net. And I know a ton of you will disagree with this, which is fine, but porn's a bad habbit to break off of and it can really ruin your life sometimes. I just feel that some anime, not all, makes these kids do these things. Altogether, I don't approve of porn, and since I don't approve of anime, and looking back at that Digimon episode, considering what it had in it and that it was also anime, that two just don't go together in my boat. Sorry to get anyone mad by saying that, but, oh well.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I'll just repost what I said earlier:

The sexuality in anime. I don't buy that either. Take a look at any anime aimed at kids. All the girls will have nice bodies. They do jump around alot. They scream. They aren't your typical females. But go look at any american cartoon aimed at kids. Look at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, April was slamming. Check out the old X-Men cartoons...Jean Grey's body was phenomenal!! I'd hit it. Jokes aside, cartoons and anime do have sexual contation to them, but it isn't a level of sexuality that kids will pick up on. Its just beyond them. Its in there for the parents. Its in there for the teenagers. Ask yourself if you ever, at the time, remember noticing the sexualness of a cartoon character or picking up on all the adult humor in a Rugrats episode. Unless you're some prodigy, I doubt you can admit to having noticed it.

Some anime is incredibly sexual. Alot do have nudity in them. But those are not being targeted for kids. They are for adults and end level teenagers who can seperate the line between reality and fiction. Some kids may be exposed to that, but it is at no means a fault of anime but a fault of irresponsible parenting.

Basically...the anime may seem sexual, but I don't think kids notice it, just as we didn't notice the sexuality and adult themes in our cartoons.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Originally Posted by OG-
Basically...the anime may seem sexual, but I don't think kids notice it, just as we didn't notice the sexuality and adult themes in our cartoons.
Hmmm... I don't know... when I saw the Digimon thing I was only like around maybe 11 or 12, and I reconized the sexuallity in it. I think kids who're young do realize that, only some choose not to speak of it, such as I did, to their parents, but they'll say it to their friends and stuff. Or, just like I had done, they'll keep it to themselves. You'd be surprised at how smart some of those young lads are...

... fear them.

And you're right, we Americans don't notice the sexuality and adult themes in our cartoons, but if kids can pick them up in anime, and you yourself said that the anime may seem sexual, then what does that tell you?

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Well if you're an 11 or 12 year old watching Digimon that may say something as I'm pretty sure the demographic for that show is 7-9 year olds.

I'm saying Anime may seem overtly sexual to us, but it doesn't appear that way to the audiences it is targeted at. Think of it this way...if someone tells you a joke that uses words beyond your vocabulary, you don't get the joke do you? Anime that contains overt sexuality that adults make pick up is just using a vocabulary that the kids it is aimed at won't understand. Think of it like this...when you were a little kid and your parents were having a dinner party and all the adults were sitting around chatting about politics, did you sit and listen and understand everything they were saying or did you get bored and walk away because it was just beyond your interest?

I know kids these days are developing much faster...well maybe not so much developing, but they are recognizing things faster than kids a decade a did go, but I think it would be rare for a 9 year old to watch anime and feel the need to go look up hentai on the net.

Another thing about Anime...I can understand that one could make the arguement that it can be visually sexual as the girls in anime are usually drawn with short skirts etc, but the content and context is almost never sexual. Not in any anime that would be available to American kids at least.

The sexuality in anime targeted at kids isn't something that your average kid is going to realize. It is being told in a language they haven't yet learned. They have no frame of refrence to compare it too. Or I should say, ideally they wouldn't. But then again, parents let their kids absorb all kinds of things they shouldn't be at their age... a rated R movie with obvious sexual overtones could teach a kid the language of the slightly sexual undertones in Anime...but that isn't a fault of Anime, just a fault of bad parenting.

I don't think anime teaches kids that sense you could argue it is pointless...but I don't think it is shaping any impresionable minds out there into raging hentai fanatics.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Originally Posted by OG-
Well if you're an 11 or 12 year old watching Digimon that may say something as I'm pretty sure the demographic for that show is 7-9 year olds.

I'm saying Anime may seem overtly sexual to us, but it doesn't appear that way to the audiences it is targeted at. Think of it this way...if someone tells you a joke that uses words beyond your vocabulary, you don't get the joke do you? Anime that contains overt sexuality that adults make pick up is just using a vocabulary that the kids it is aimed at won't understand. Think of it like this...when you were a little kid and your parents were having a dinner party and all the adults were sitting around chatting about politics, did you sit and listen and understand everything they were saying or did you get bored and walk away because it was just beyond your interest?

I know kids these days are developing much faster...well maybe not so much developing, but they are recognizing things faster than kids a decade a did go, but I think it would be rare for a 9 year old to watch anime and feel the need to go look up hentai on the net.

Another thing about Anime...I can understand that one could make the arguement that it can be visually sexual as the girls in anime are usually drawn with short skirts etc, but the content and context is almost never sexual. Not in any anime that would be available to American kids at least.

The sexuality in anime targeted at kids isn't something that your average kid is going to realize. It is being told in a language they haven't yet learned. They have no frame of refrence to compare it too. Or I should say, ideally they wouldn't. But then again, parents let their kids absorb all kinds of things they shouldn't be at their age... a rated R movie with obvious sexual overtones could teach a kid the language of the slightly sexual undertones in Anime...but that isn't a fault of Anime, just a fault of bad parenting.

I don't think anime teaches kids that sense you could argue it is pointless...but I don't think it is shaping any impresionable minds out there into raging hentai fanatics.
So you're saying that I could show a sex scene to a little kid, with nudity and all, and you mean to tell me that they wouldn't wonder a little bit more about what they had just saw? Now of course, that's really pushing it, but when I was growing up I knew sex and I knew sexual references when I was in the second grade. No, I never looked up porn back then (I had no knowledge of sex, but I knew what it was) but I had the main gist of it all, A.K.A. naked bodies. Like I said, the kids probably won't say much of anything to anyone else if they should see any sexual references in anime at all, cuz I know I didn't, and yes, showing a kid an R rated film is bad nonetheless, and yes, bad parenting is a big issue on all of the above. I'm sorry if this confuses anyone or anything, I just hope you all see where I'm coming from, and I suppose one could argue that what you and I both posted could be considered pointless.

And Zzat, I'm gonna have to say no, because I sense sarcasim in your voice... then again, I don't know...

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
So you're saying that I could show a sex scene to a little kid, with nudity and all, and you mean to tell me that they wouldn't wonder a little bit more about what they had just saw?
I bet they would be more curious, but you show me an episode of Digimon that has a sex scene in it. You show me a single episode of ANY anime series that has aired on ANY American television channel, cable included (save for any pay channels, such as HBO) that has a sex scene it and I'll restract my statement. I bet you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a single instance of romantic kissing in any aired anime in America.

Obviously kids would question a such a blatant display of sexuality, but the anime kids are exposed to simply does not have said displays and thus, to me, it is a pretty impotent reason to hate anime for something that isn't even an issue.

Yes anime can contain sex, I'm not saying it doesn't, but I'm saying the things kids see doesn't.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
I gotta say, and I'm not bragging when I say this, but I think that your arguements and mine have to end in a draw. I'm not saying that I lost, no, and I'm not saying that you're stupid- you've brought up some very good points and I feel that I have as well. If anyone else has anything else to add on anime, its sexuality, and its effect on kids.

God bless America.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Check this out. Read what is says on the bottom about Japanese and American cultures. Is this the beginning of something new? I hope not. We were always better off without 'em.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Read what is says on the bottom about Japanese and American cultures. Is this the beginning of something new? I hope not. We were always better off without 'em.
You must put extra effort into being so ignorant.