Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Well, I give it
I haven't seen much Bunuel, but from what I've seen I only truly love Belle de jour (I guess I have to watch Tristana since Deneuve stars in it). You've probably already seen it, but just in case...
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Finished here. It's been fun.
What else have you seen from Bunuel, Lucas? And how would you rank them
His short film Un Chien Andalou, Exterminating Angel, The Golden Age and Belle de Jour. Like Minio, Belle de Jour is the one I actually really like.

The first three are sorta interchangeable tbh, they all range from

Yeah, not a fan of Un Chien Andalou either, but that was my first Bunuel. I've pretty much loved everything else I've seen from him since.

you should check out Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie and Phantom of Liberty, you'd probably dig those. The latter is a near-masterpiece in my book.

Well, I give it
I haven't seen much Bunuel, but from what I've seen I only truly love Belle de jour (I guess I have to watch Tristana since Deneuve stars in it). You've probably already seen it, but just in case...
You like Belle de jour because she's a prostitute... dont deny it!

I have only seen l'Age d'or and Belle de Jour by Bunuel. I enjoyed them both. You cant compare them because they are decades apart. I need to see more Bunuel.

Master of My Domain
Naked (1993)

The world in the film is dark, bleak, and hysterical that you may think its impossible to make a story out of the mess. However, a brilliant performance by Daniel Thewlis and a powerful script make a melancholy, disturbing 2 hours which leave you with shivers at the end, but soon with exclamation. Great film and I can see why Swan has it high up on his Top 10 but I don't think it'll become a personal favorite of mine.


Naked (1993)

The world in the film is dark, bleak, and hysterical that you may think its impossible to make a story out of the mess. However, a brilliant performance by Daniel Thewlis and a powerful script make a melancholy, disturbing 2 hours which leave you with shivers at the end, but soon with exclamation. Great film and I can see why Swan has it high up on his Top 10 but I don't think it'll become a personal favorite of mine.


Monsters, Gareth Edwards.

I loved his Godzilla, a lot. That's why I was really curious about this movie, which I thought would be like Godzilla on a low budget. Well, it is. The problem with this movie is that basically nothing happens. Like we literally see the monsters (I didn't like their design, they're like Chtulhu's dumber brothers) maybe two times throughout the whole movie. These are the best parts of the movie, Edwards obviously knows how to show a monster on camera and their apparitions are always cleverly shot. Unluckily, like I said, the monsters get maybe 5 minutes of screen time.
"Henry ahah, you silly guy, the movie is about a boy and a girl in a difficult situation!". Well, to that I answer that the guy and the girl are so poorly written that I couldn't care less about them. Ok, at least the girl is hot, but the guy has literally no reason to exist. It's basically Godzilla's same problem, but Godzilla had a million tons of awesomeness in it that this movie does not possess. Also, I just won't believe that Edwards wanted to make a movie about the relationship and personal growth of two guys: he obviously likes monsters more than humans. He just didn't have enough money to do everything he wanted, and I'm glad the big guys sitting in leather armchairs smoking cigars gave him a lot of money to go make Godzilla a couple years later.

oh bah I read that it was even more low on budget than I thought. Like Edwards did the visual effects all by himself with his own computer, the crew was made by seven people and only the two main characters were real actors
What the hell, I'll up the rating to
, anyone with this much passion deserves at least one bonus popcorn bag.
Cinema Italiano.

The Fault in our Stars

I only watched the middle half of this movie, but i wouldn't mind watching it all the way through.
The two leads were really cute together. nice casting.

The Brothers Grimm
(2005, USA)
Directed by Terry Gilliam

La Fille du Puisatier
(2011, France)
Directed by Daniel Auteuil

The Brothers Grimm
(2005, USA)
Directed by Terry Gilliam
I like that movie! A fun ride
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Colossal Youth (2006) by Pedro Costa

Among the best, if not the best, movies of the 21st century. It's amazing the massive leaps that Costa makes between features. Each new film is a reevaluation and reconstruction of his art. With In Vanda's Room, it appeared as though Costa had reached the logical conclusion of his art. If In Vanda's Room was Costa's evaluation of Warhol's film art, Colossal Youth is his evaluation of John Ford's art. More than a modern art film, it feels like the distillation of Ford films like Sergeant Rutledge and 7 Women, where everything on screen becomes simultaneously a myth and a deconstruction of the idea of myth.

Playtime (1967)

I like movies with a story, distinct characters, and some drama. This movie doesn't have any of that. It's like a non-stop barrage of sight gags and optical illusions. This movie is incredible to look at and very unique. For me to enjoy a movie like this, it has to be pretty brilliant, and I think it probably was.