MoFo art gallery


This rule is selective anyway. I bet hentai art would get you banned, even though it's arguably art as well. Hell, films are art, and yet pictures of female breasts from movies are usually deleted. (I wonder if the one from Children of Hiroshima
would be.). But classical art gets a pass. This is not just this forum, it's like that in other places on the internet, too. It's just inconsistent, usually defended under the idea of "explicit content" which is just as ambiguous.

I have more explicit ones, if we want to test the waters.

I have more explicit ones, if we want to test the waters.
Umm, the right thing to do would be to ask Yoda if it's OK. But my private message box is ready for all sorts of explicity, should you want to send them to me!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.