Cricket's top 100 horror movies

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55. The Loved Ones (2009)

This Australian horror is way better than it's poster would indicate, and with a disturbing side.

54. Mum and Dad (2008)

This British gem is disturbing, disgusting, and darkly funny.

53. Dawn of the Dead (2004)

I'm mostly trying to stay away from sequels and remakes on this list, but some turn out really good. This is one of them.

52. Demons (1985)

From Dario Argento, this movie is a blast.

51. Joyride (2001)

This is another one that is just a whole lot of fun.

DotD and Joyride are both well worth seeing. I really enjoy both of them. I can't remember if I've seen Demons or not. I think I've seen 3 of them, but with the exception of 6, I'm not sure which ones.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Cricket... here are the films of yours that I have seen...

Its Alive
Motel Hell
Children of the Corn
The Wicker Man (which is one of my favorites)
Burnt Offerings (Bette Davis is one of the Queens of Scream)
The Conjuring
The Ring
The Birds
The Blob
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Crazies
The Collector
I Spit On Your Grave
Started watching "The Decent" but never finished it... (but I will!)
Dawn of the Dead

I do like the fact you have many "older horror" films.

Cricket, I do recommend "The Woman"... you wont be disappointed.

50. Magic (1978)

Because that dummy is scary and Ann-Margret is hot.

49. Wrong Turn (2003)

Cannibals in the woods equals a very good time.

48. Damien: Omen II (1978)

One of my favorite sequels as the Antichrist is now 12 years old.

47. Eden Lake (2008)

Some bad kids ruin a couple's romantic getaway. Nice and violent.

46. Ginger Snaps (2000)

I thought the story of a high school girl becoming a werewolf sounded goofy. Just the opposite.

I have seen "Magic", "Wrong Turn", "The Omen II" and "Eden Lake". Isn't "Magic" one of Anthony Hopkins' first horror flix?

That's a great set, cricket. I've not seen Eden Lake (though I have it ) but the others are decent (Omen II) to great (Ginger Snaps, which is on my 100.) Actually, I should watch Omen II again, as I've not seen in in about 25 years.

Magic was on TV a day or two ago here. That is a creepy film and Hopkins is great in the role.

The last two sets have been unimpressive with me. I mean, I haven't seen most of them, but I also never got much interest in them.

The last two sets have been unimpressive with me. I mean, I haven't seen most of them, but I also never got much interest in them.
There's going to be some more movies you like, but I think, unfortunately, you won't care for most.

Chappie doesn't like the real world

Please report back on The Woman; I just looked that up and it sounds promising.
I didn't get around to watching it again, but I've seen it before. The whole reason I wanted to watch it again because of someone I know who was praising it highly and getting a whole lot more out of it than I did or I believe was actually put into the movie. I don't at this moment have much good to say about it but I'm going to watch it again to see if perhaps I missed something and it's not quite the turd I now believe it do be.

It was especially disappointing because I saw it solely based on it having the same director as May which was original, clever and sick in a fun way. The Woman is none of those things.

51. Joyride (2001)

This is another one that is just a whole lot of fun.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

45. April Fool's Day (1986)

Very fun movie with a twist, that at least the first time I saw it, I didn't see coming.

44. The Hills Have Eyes (2006)

One of the most relentlessly intense and sadistic movies out there.

43. Night of the Living Dead (1968)

This classic zombie film is one of the first movies I ever saw.

42. Alice, Sweet Alice (1976)

A recent first time watch for me, I would agree with others that it's a vastly underseen classic.

41. The Innocents (1961)

Like a couple of my earlier picks, it's too low because I saw it at the wrong time in my life. It's one of the last ghost stories I saw. It should've been the first one.

List is getting solid cricket! And those which I think is falling out a bit, is still interesting and cool choices.

I like the list so far! (y) there's a lot of these which would be on my horror list as well (which I hope to get around to tomorrow)

I've seen "Night of the Living Dead" and I have "the Innocents" on criterion. but haven't watched it yet..