Favorite Korean Movies


Memories of Murder was good, but The Trilogy of Vengeance was better IMO.

Talking of Lady Vengeance, it's a getting a remake with Charlize Theron playing the lead. This is one remake I'm actually excited about because of Charlize Theron, she is also co-producing the remake.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Yes, it's great but if you are a dog lover you may want to skip it.
Watched Address Unknown last night. see what you mean. thought the film in general was just ok. Pretty bleak but strangely watchable.
overall i'd give it a 6/10.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Talking of Lady Vengeance, it's a getting a remake with Charlize Theron playing the lead. This is one remake I'm actually excited about because of Charlize Theron, she is also co-producing the remake.
Really? whens that due out? to be honest im not exactly ecstatic about the idea. If theyve remade Lady and Oldboy, will they be remaking Mr as well? If so, out of interest, who would you cast?

Have no idea when it's due out, they are just in pre-production stages right now and only cast Charlize Theron so far. They need to cast someone really good for the Mr. Baek role because Choi Min-sik was excellent. Humm, maybe someone like Gabriel Byrne opposite Charlize Theron.

cast away on the moon. - just another sore reminder of the staleness of american movies. this is what castaway could have been.

the thieves. an epic hodgepodge mix of different genres and actions. Surprisingly good action and it's better in the 2nd half.

^^ castaway on the moon was fantastic! Such a cute movie

Best korean film is my all time favorite action/thriller The Man from Nowhere
Wow just amazing! oddly it's the most flawed movie that I've given a 5/5 rating. I would tweak the beginning and chop off part of the ending but everything in the middle is just so perfect I'm willing to forgive it's flaws.

I have some issues with Korean films being too melodramatic, although I understand that is part of the popular culture. My favorite, though, is Peppermint Candy (1999). It has a structure vaguely similar to Memento, where the main story is told in reverse chronological order. It shows a man who has completely lost it, and it gradually goes back through his life to show how he got to this point. Highly recommended. The lead acting performance is really strong, and it's an interesting allegory for the Korean mindset.

I found Poetry to be a particularly beautiful movie. Beautiful but sad.

I don't think Hong Sang-soo has been mentioned. Something for the arthouse crowd:


Of what I've seen so far I like.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Registered User
I second TGG!


This movie was like the korean Braveheart. Great watch, and a epic which caters to the tough guy audience.