Interview the Person Below You


1. Only with shop staff. People tend to keep their distance with me.
2. A year ago. United 8-2 Arsenal. Great day.
3. Chocolate something/anything. Haagen Dazs Belgian Chocolate is probably my current choice.

What your favourite ball game?
Do you owe a family member money?
What's your favourite book?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

1.I'm more of a hockey fan
2.Yes i owe him 24 $
3.The Outsiders

1.Favorite Childhood Cartoon
2.What would your dream band be named??
3. Would you rather live by the beach or by a forests.
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

1.Favorite Childhood Cartoon
2.What would your dream band be named??
3. Would you rather live by the beach or by a forests.
1. Roadrunner
2. Sushi For Breakfast
3. Beach

1. Nicolas Cage - hell yeah! or plain meh
2. Will you be going to see Dredd, and if not, why not...perp?
3. Eggs. They're nice. Will you have them boiled? Scrambled? Fried? Or poached?

2.Yes, It looks Badass

1.Favorite Twilight Actor? if can't choose one just choose one of the movies
2.Who is ManOf1000Faces??
3. Favorite Batman Villain??

We've gone on holiday by mistake
1.Favorite Twilight Actor? if can't choose one just choose one of the movies
2.Who is ManOf1000Faces??
3. Favorite Batman Villain??
1. Very proud to say that I have never watched a single second of Twishyte.
2. Jacques Mesrine
3. Heath Ledger's Joker ofc. All the Nolan baddies are great though.

1. What is your biggest movie disappointment of recent times?
2. How do you think you will die?
3. Would you give your Dad a 5 minute Blowjob for $10 million?

1. I was quite dissapointed with La Strada
2. I would hope assassination because that would mean I was great

1. Stupidest dare you took?
2. Do you argue about politics a lot?
3. Have any pets?
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
I ate dirt.
Not at all!
1 Cat, 3 dogs, 1 guinea pig, 2 rats.

1. What's your favourite food?
2.Would you bang Bugs Bunny?
3. How many lumps of sugar do you take in your tea?
Let's talk some jive.

1. What's your favourite food?
2.Would you bang Bugs Bunny?
3. How many lumps of sugar do you take in your tea?
1. Mexican, with Indian and Italian a close second and third.
2. Shame on you.
3. No sugar, no milk.

1. Who shot Nice Guy Eddie?
2. Which five songs do you listen to most?
3. If you had to die in a seventies disaster movie, which one would you choose?

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
1. Mr. White gets off two shots, doesn't he?
2. Tom Waits, and Nick Cave mostly right now.
3. Suffocating in an afro

Do you play Scrabble?
What's your favourite flower?
Do you have dry or oily skin?

Gandalf26 the Man Of 1000 Faces is Lon Chaney


What movie do you watch every time but it always makes you cry?

Would you be a tap dancer or ballroom dancer?

What is your worst quality??

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Do you play Scrabble?
What's your favourite flower?
Do you have dry or oily skin?
The winner of the "Worst Questions of ALL Time Goes to......"

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Gandalf26 the Man Of 1000 Faces is Lon Chaney

What movie do you watch every time but it always makes you cry?

Would you be a tap dancer or ballroom dancer?

What is your worst quality??
It is also Jacques Mesrine. Do you know anything about Mesrine?

1. Marley and Me. Only watched once and never again.
2. Sounds like asking would you rather be Gay or Gay.
3. Chronic Laziness.

1. Would you punch your Mum in the face very hard for $100,000 but you couldn't tell her why for a week?

2. What is the most you have ever gambled and lost?

3. Have you ever been so angry at someone for something that thoughts of actually for real killing them have entered you head?

I hope I could. She'd understand... After a week.
£2 - Euro Lottery ticket. I only gamble on sure things, so, I don't really gamble even when I do.
Lots of times. I could've killed dozens of people simply queuing.

1. Can you ride a horse well?
2. Are you watching the Paralympics?
3. What do you think of NBC's decision to just show a 90 minute special after it's finished?

1. No
2. No but a girl from my school is in it
3. So what?

1. Can you play an instrument?
2. Scared of public speaking?
3. Do you buy yourself birthday gifts?

1. No
2. Yes
3. No

Do you find participating in sport relaxing?
Do you go the beach often, if not swimming but walking?
Find snooker and pool often puts your mind at ease?

No not at the moment it will be about 25 C today
I really don't read books at the moment, I do word emphasis, synonyms and so forth.

Do you eat breakfast always?
Going out can be a hassle?
What's better, Films or great TV shows?

It's not everyday though
At times
Great Tv Shows

What would you do first if your were in a dream but anything can happen if you think of it?
Would you abuse your gifts?
Have you felt intelligent but the truth is you don't know anything?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
1. I don't know. I guess it would be fun to dream that I was a shark.
2. Heck yeah. I'd scare everyone.
3. If you mean have I ever been convinced that I was absolutely right about something, then found out I was wrong and felt stupid about it ; then yes.

1. If you had to vote for one mofo for president, who would it be?
(You may not pick yourself, Honeykid. )
2. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
3. What is something about yourself that you would never mention to someone you were on a first date with?

1. Hmmm, I'd go with mark or Nebbit. HK doesnt seem responsible enough
2. I'd rather write it
3. I'm only hear for sex

Answer Godoggo questions, they're good ones