The Election News and Predictions Thread


"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Like with most issues, you can often find something positive in a given situation...

"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Well I'm saying it is dorky to be such an over-analyzer about everything.
And I'm saying it's juvenile to interrupt people having conversations about serious stuff like racism and sexual assault to tell them they shouldn't be so serious about it.

It's also questionable to be spreading such fear and doubt about the new leader of our fine country.

It's in our best interest for him to be successful
It's in our best interest to know the truth about our leaders. These are not mutually exclusive.

And really, tell me with a straight face this is the tone you'd take after a Clinton victory.

although it is easy to sense all the negative energy
This is the part where I list approximately a billion examples of "negative energy" utilized by his campaign, and then you totally ignore it or change the subject.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
So, maybe that's why it's so easy to speak of emigration, for some?

Ok, what would you prefer instead?

Forgot the "t"?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I did not vote for him, but I hope Trump reads this when whatever sh!thole country you live in needs help from the good ole USA yet again.
lol yeah

shut up and sing, Topsy

I don't remember any riots after Obama won though...
I wasn't posting the image in justification of the riots, I think it applies more in general in representing the hypocrisy from a group of people who have spent the last year question the validity of democracy, and the majority of the last eight making unfounded accusations against the leader of their country, yet now they are demanding that people stop criticising their leader, respect democracy, and look to work together with him positively.

And also, regarding riots: do you think there would have been riots had Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, McMullin etc. had been elected? If so, they would be no where near on such a scale. They do not just represent a distaste for for a man whose political beliefs are opposed to their own, but an anger and frustration at how a man who so vile and distasteful, who has mocked many people including woman, disabled and war veterans, fuelled a racist lie about the last leader, promised to attempt to arrest Clinton, is now elected leader and suddenly he and his team expect everyone to be okay with that and to forget all the things he has done which have threatened democracy and safety for many people within the country.

I do not support riots as such, but are you telling me there would not have been a similar result had Clinton won, from the Trump camp? Leading up to the election, almost everything Trump said seemed to encourage his supporters not to accept the result and to take hostile actions to "beat the rigged system".

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I have no idea what your point is.
If America was never great for these protesters, not even under Obama, what will make them happy? Emigration makes sense, if you're always miserable in your own country.

If democracy is a lie, maybe the protesters have a viable alternative we can all adapt to our needs?

The protest is in Denver, so, I thought maybe they just forgot the "t".

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
It wasn't intended as a response to anything, then?
No, just looking at images of protests.

I'm wondering if the RAPE MELANIA sign is authentic or photoshopped...

Click image for larger version

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That sign is definitely Photoshopped, there's a couple of separate images and you can tell from perspective and such that it's fake.

I would like to hope that no one would be able to stand in a crowd like that, hold up such a sign, and be unopposed by those surrounding them.

But regardless, one of those statements is something that Trump himself said, the other would be a statement from someone in a crowd who is opposed to him said, even if they were a Hillary supporter, it does not mean she approves of their support and such messages. Trump supporters so quick to distance themselves from the KKK endorsement should know this.

In the Beginning...
I don't remember any riots after Obama won though...
But surely you understand these riots aren't indicative of all liberal-minded folks in this country, right? I didn't support Trump, didn't want to see him win. But I also don't support riots for any reason. Obviously people are angry about the outcome, but this isn't really the proper way to express that. I fear a lot of people are watching the riots and assuming, wrongly, that we're all like that. It's just not true.

That said, I don't have any problem with peaceful protests (which is how many of these gatherings started before agitators came along) and I don't think anyone else should have a problem with them, either. You may not agree with the protesters. You may think the protests are childish and a waste of time. But I believe it's important to always uphold one's right to protest peacefully if they feel inclined to do so.

If Clinton had won, I don't think there would be nearly the same level of protest and disruption. Not because of the people on either side, but because of the surprise factor. Clinton supporters were shocked by the results, while if Trump lost, I think his supporters would have been more accepting of the expected.

I dont think neither Shakira nor Britney has every been arrested for prostitution,
Has Trump?

and ive already replied that being a sexual being and degrading and attacking others for their gender are two different things.
When did he ever attack someone for being a woman?

that wasnt a private conversation between men,.
Except it was

And also, regarding riots: do you think there would have been riots had Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, McMullin etc. had been elected? If so, they would be no where near on such a scale. They do not just represent a distaste for for a man whose political beliefs are opposed to their own, but an anger and frustration at how a man who so vile and distasteful, who has mocked many people including woman, disabled and war veterans, fuelled a racist lie about the last leader, promised to attempt to arrest Clinton, is now elected leader and suddenly he and his team expect everyone to be okay with that and to forget all the things he has done which have threatened democracy and safety for many people within the country.

I do not support riots as such, but are you telling me there would not have been a similar result had Clinton won, from the Trump camp? Leading up to the election, almost everything Trump said seemed to encourage his supporters not to accept the result and to take hostile actions to "beat the rigged system".

Personally, I utilize my free speech to criticize the protesters and the college students too "traumatized" to go to school (how are they ever going to make it in the real world?).

That's my free speech at work - and I respect their free speech to say what they want.

When it comes to the rioters - those committing crimes and turning violent against cops and innocent bystanders - them I don't just criticize but condemn.

There was a recent "Election" edition of the show "Adam Ruins Everything" and comedian Adam Conover was certainly not a Trump supporter - but the live stage show episode's overall point was almost prophetic in that it was trying to get people to relax and realize that this election was not as unique or Earth-shattering (or traumatic) as it may appear.

He told of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. This man openly spoke about his genitals size to his friends, staffers & political colleagues. He would talk to women staffers while he was taking a dump on the toilet. He was an openly bigoted racist - the absolute last person you would think would do anything to aid civil rights. Yet he was behind the biggest leaps forward in civil rights.

It was obvious Adam was comparing LBJ to Trump and saying just because a very crude person becomes President doesn't mean they still can't make positive changes.

But surely you understand these riots aren't indicative of all liberal-minded folks in this country, right? I didn't support Trump, didn't want to see him win. But I also don't support riots for any reason. Obviously people are angry about the outcome, but this isn't really the proper way to express that. I fear a lot of people are watching the riots and assuming, wrongly, that we're all like that. It's just not true.

That said, I don't have any problem with peaceful protests (which is how many of these gatherings started before agitators came along) and I don't think anyone else should have a problem with them, either. You may not agree with the protesters. You may think the protests are childish and a waste of time. But I believe it's important to always uphold one's right to protest peacefully if they feel inclined to do so.
It's absolutely not indicative of all the liberals, as I'm friends with many Hillary voters who hate it as much as I do. I'm just saying there's a false narrative about how the conservatives react compared to the left. Mainly because of college kids, and there political leaning. But I see it first hand, this is a generation of babies who can't cope with losing