Post Your Reviews Of L.I.T.W.


Find your purpose...
Originally Posted by sifusco
I finally had the time to go see Lady in the Water and when I left the movie I had to remember who and where I was. I was completely swept away by the beauty, power, brilliance, and inspiring quality of the movie.

A friend of mine was recommending movies to me and he finally took the opportunity to ask me what I looked for in movies. My answer was "the perfect movie" and I feel like I found it today. I told another friend it receives 10 stars out of 5 it was that good.

I was so happy to see something from the movies, other than the Matrix, talk so intuitively and perceptively about Purpose. Many people will talk about purpose, with a lower case "p", but this was more about Purpose. I teach martial arts and one of the central tenets of my style is aligning with one's Purpose because we all have it and to not be aligned with one's Purpose is the cause of many of our problems.

Living aligned with one's Purpose does not necessarily things are easy and simple, I find it to be quite the opposite. It takes great strength, passion, and love to remain aligned with one's Purpose and answers are not easily come by. Most of the time it takes walking with faith in something other than ourselves, that there is a larger picture, and this is not easy to do and it is painful.

And I say this all the time, it takes strength to admit one's "weaknesses". It takes strength to stand up for one's self. It takes strength to perform and act of love on and for ourselves.

Lady in the Water, to me, is a story of people who have not been aligned with their Purpose but were where they needed to be when the right opportunity and inspiration to become aligned presented itself and they all made the choice to do so feeling fearful, scared, and confused.

Thank you M. Night Shyamalan
Bravo! Well said! I appreciate everything you said about the movie as my daughter and I felt much the same way, and leaving the theatre was like leaving behind paradise. The movie touched me deeply.

I was struck by your comment about "strength to admit ones weaknesses" You are so right! The transformation of the characters in this movie prove it, needing that "self-love" and forgiveness to make the change... especially Cleveland. His transformation was played out so well, and I found it even moreso when they erroneously thought he was the Guardian.

M. Night, I wanted to personally thank you for this jouney into my own psyche, for the realizations that came on the drive home, and even into the day after, about myself. It may be that not everyone will catch the message from your movies, but I do, and I appreciate your dynamic way of making us re-examine ourselves and the world we live in.
There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?

Originally Posted by sifusco
...this is not easy to do and it is painful.

And I say this all the time, it takes strength to admit one's "weaknesses". It takes strength to stand up for one's self. It takes strength to perform and act of love on and for ourselves.

Lady in the Water, to me, is a story of people who have not been aligned with their Purpose but were where they needed to be when the right opportunity and inspiration to become aligned presented itself and they all made the choice to do so feeling fearful, scared, and confused.

Thank you M. Night Shyamalan


Drat. LITW is officially gone from all of the movie theaters in our area. I saw it, I think, four times, so it's not like I could have done any more myself to help the box office, but it was comforting to me just to know it was there. ... So tonight's big choice is between The Wicker Man and Snakes on a Plane. Oh, boy.

Registered User
Originally Posted by Starrfyre
M. Night, I wanted to personally thank you for this jouney into my own psyche, for the realizations that came on the drive home, and even into the day after, about myself. It may be that not everyone will catch the message from your movies, but I do, and I appreciate your dynamic way of making us re-examine ourselves and the world we live in.
The same thing happened to me. Each time I watch another Night's movie, It's like reading another page of a same book (a really very interesting book). Maybe the book his character is writing in this movie .

Should have been called dead in the water, It just couldn't hold my attention, It's a shame too as i have enjoyed the rest of his films and i was looking forward to this one

Originally Posted by diamondgeeza
Should have been called dead in the water, It just couldn't hold my attention, It's a shame too as i have enjoyed the rest of his films and i was looking forward to this one
Oh, I'm sorry you were disappointed with it. I have to say I liked the movie very much.
"'How many more of you are there?'" - M. Night Shyamalan

Originally Posted by diane09
Oh, I'm sorry you were disappointed with it. I have to say I liked the movie very much.

I also agree with Diane. I loved the film.